Chapter 11

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I had decided that my life was dull. Not because Alex wasn’t here; I wasn’t that much of a pessimist, but because I was miserable. Since my mom died, I'd made an effort to stay close to my remaining family. Trying to keep a relationship with my father was a waste of time, but I still had Jacob. Or perhaps it would be better to say that I only had Jacob. Somewhere along the way I had become distant from everyone else; so intent on staying close to him. But now that he'd decided that he didn't want his little sister around anymore and Alex was busy in LA, I was pretty much a loner.

We'd never discussed when we were going to sign adoption papers and all that jazz, but I had been thinking about it a lot lately. I wanted to leave Summerfield; wanderlust had never been felt so urgent. I felt out of place here, it didn’t feel like home anymore. Or maybe it did, and I just didn’t want it to.


Alex called a lot when he was in LA. Usually every day after school, while he was taking a break from the recording studio. He’d tell me about the songs- sometimes he would sing them to me- and the weather, and whatever he was doing that day. In return, I would tell him about school, which wasn’t nearly as exciting. But I’d complain about tests and teachers, and if he caught me while I was doing homework I’d often ask him for help.


He came on Friday, while I was at school. He was playing the XBox when I got back, roaring and shouting at the TV. I hovered in the doorway, giggling.

Alex glanced up, and paused the game. “Finley!” He said, his face lighting up. “Hey!”

“I wasn’t expecting you this early!” I said. I’m not sure he understood, it was hard to talk with my face squeezed against his chest. I didn’t mind too much; Alex gave the best hugs.

“Have you all your bags packed?” He asked, “Our flight is at seven.”

I nodded, “Yeah, I’m ready to go.”

“Fantastic!” Alex exclaimed, “Well, run upstairs and put your schoolbag in your room. Do you want to eat here or at the airport?”

“We’d save money if-”

He glowered. “Stop right there. I’ve told you before about the money thing.”

I bit my lip. “Sorry. Old habits.”

He rolled his eyes. “Go get your stuff. We’ll grab something there.”


I dumped my schoolbag on my bedroom floor. I’d packed light, mostly the news clothes that Alex had bought me. I’d actually thrown out most of my other stuff.


Our taxi driver was one of the chatty ones. I’d never been good with small talk, but Alex seemed to have a knack for it.

“We’re going to LA,” He told the driver, “Holiday for her, work for me.”

”Should be a nice weekend for it,” He replied, “S’posed to be sunny.”

“I heard,” Alex said, “Yeah, we’re renting out a house near the beach.”

“That’ll be nice. I wish I got holidays like that, but it’s always busiest when everyone else is off.”

“You have a family of your own?”

“A son. He’s seven now. Big into sports, he’s on the football team. He loves science too. Won the science fair with his volcano. Well, my volcano,” He chuckled.


Alex was more used to airports than I was. Through my years of changing foster homes, I’d gone on a few planes, but the security checkpoints still got me nervy. Alex laughed when he saw my face.

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