Under The Misle Toe~

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"PHEW! FINALLY. Ok vendetta, don't mess it up again.." You said. Vendetta frowned "that's your fault for turning the lights out.." "THAT WAS A ACCIDENT" you yelled at him and huffed. Suddenly mahogany came back with the plugs. She drop one on the floor.

You ran to pick it up "here mahogany, let me help you" "awe! Thanks (y/n)" she said smiling. You and mahogany walked over to the Christmas tree. You guys put the plugs down "okey, lets plug this one to this. And the other one to this plug.." You said plugging the plugs.

"..and this plug goes here and the other one there!" Mahogany said plugging the plugs also. Then there was a last plug left and at the same time, you and mahogany grabbed it. You guys chuckled nervously "ha...um, mahogany? I-I got this.." "Oh no no (y/n), let me do it" "u-um, I'm the m-maid! I should do w-what's around here.."

It almost seems forever for you two "OKEY FINE. You plug it miss mahogany.." You said huffing "why thank you (y/n)!" She said smiling and plugged the last plug. Then the Christmas tree lit up so beautifully. It made you and mahogany go 'Ohhh' and 'ahhhh' "it looks so beautiful.." You said "I know..!"

While you and mahogany were gazing at the Christmas tree, the butlers had an idea "psst! Everyone!" Vendetta said whisper - yelling "once (y/n) and mahogany are done gazing at the tree, lets put a misle toe above them!" Everyone did a quiet gasp and they snickered evilly "wow! That sounds so lesbian there!" They said

"Heh! I know right, get the misle toe!" They nodded and one of them get the misle toe from the box "here it is!" They said holding up a misle toe in there hands. Vendetta smirked "perfect~ hang it up!" They obeyed what he said and hanged the misle toe quickly.

"Heheh!" "Okey! Act casual everyone! They're coming!" Vendetta said and they all nodded and they pretend there doing something. You and mahogany were about to go to the room were the butlers were, but something caught your eye and mahoganys eyes.

There was a misle toe hanging above you guys. You both blushed at the misle toe and then at each other and back at the misle toe "u-um..!" You started "what is this misle toe doing here?! I didn't even see it here before...did you put it up?" You shook your head "n-no miss! I didn't!" Mahogany thought for a minute and a smirk plastered in her face.

"Mmmm, sounds like the butlers did it huh~?" She said "um...yeah, probably..!" You said. Mahoganys face got close to yours "well, I'm glad they did~" you blushed really hard and you shut your eyes tight "u-um! M-m-miss? W-what are you doing?!" You whimpered "oh, something that we're about to do under the misle toe~"

Suddenly, you and mahogany heard snickering coming from the other room. She stopped and faced the butlers "WHAT THE F*CK ARE YOU DOING WATCHING US?!" She growled. They stopped. None of them say a word, you can hear a pin drop "THATS WHAT I THOUGHT! GET BACK TO WORK YOU KNUCKLEHEADS!" They all nodded.

And they went back to the room "ughhhh...what am I supposed to do with these butler children?" She sighed "..they never acted like this since you came and joined to family" you shrugged and said 'eh'. Mahogany had an idea, she grabbed you by the wrist and she guided upstairs with you.

The butlers secretly watch you guys run upstairs "u-um, where are you taking me?" You said "oh you'll see when we get to MY room~" she smirked.

A Miss and a Maid ~ Mahogany X Reader - (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now