Jealous Vendetta

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Vendetta went upstairs to quickly get something from his room. Once he got upstairs, he heard moans coming from your room. He quietly opened your door a little, and saw you and mahogany making out. He didn't wanna get horny and get caught, so he quickly close the door.

He frowned and growled a little "gah, (y/n) and the miss making out again...(y/n) is MINE" he mumbled under his breath "ever since I knew (y/n), and know a little about her. I like her since. But now mahogany took (y/n) and make I need to do something about this.."

He tap on his chin and started to think. Then a lightbulb flick in his head and he smirked. He chuckled deeply and went downstairs to tell the butlers something. He told them about (y/n) and told them a plan. They all agreed "yeah! (Y/n) should've been yours ven! You two make a cute couple!"

"But, ven... How about the misle toe? Didn't you set them up like that?" Vendetta shook his head and sigh "I thought they wouldn't take it because it's a really stupid joke. But mahogany took in and almost kissed (y/n).." "Oh alright...I understand how you feel ven"

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's do it in the first thing in the morning" "alright ven, well capture (y/n)...and make her yours~"

Ehh, sorry if it's short. Because I'm grounded and my parents took my iPod away. I hope you enjoy this little part. Enjoy and don't hate~! :) ~MagicPatatoe

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