A Miss has A crush on A Maid

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Mahogany finally got out from her room. She yawned and rubbed her tired eyes. She walked downstairs and saw you and the butlers setting up lunch in the kitchen. You and the butlers saw mahogany and smiled "hey mahogany!" You said waving.

"Hey (y/n)" she said waving back yawning between her sentences. She sat down at the table as you put a plate food in front of her "thanks (y/n).." Mahogany said. You smiled "no problem miss". Then she dig in "mmmm! (Y/n), this is so good!" A pink light blush plastered across your face "ahh, your welcome.."

After you guys eating, you went to wash the dishes "hey hey hey, (y/n), let me help you" mahogany said. She went behind you and place her hands, on yours in top. She follows your movements. Every single step your doing. Which makes a chill go down in your spine, but you kinda enjoyed the company.

After you were done washing the last dish, mahogany nuzzled on your neck "um...mahogany? I'm done" you said giggling a bit "oh um...right" she said letting go blushing. You yawned. You starting to feel tired from doing all the work "okey mahogany. Is it okey if I take a nap..?" You said

"Oh yeah sure! After all, you were working so hard in the mansion" "alright, thanks.." "No problem sweetie. Nighty night~!". You smiled and went upstairs to your room. Once you got there, you closed the door and went to you closet. You changed into your pjs. Wearing a tank top shirt, but you don't even bother to put shorts on.

So you just leave on your panties and went to bed. You turn off the lights and went to sleep sweat and sound. After a few seconds of shutting your eyes, you hear a door opening. You stay still, hoping it will go away. Then the door shut close and footsteps came running towards your bed.

Then they jumped on your bed next to you. You quickly turn on the lights to see who it was. Once you turn them on, you turn to see the person. The person was mahogany, she was smiling. You smiled back a little "hey mahogany, what are you doing here?" You said "oh...I just wanna say that...um...I-I like you"

You were confused "a-as a friend...?" Mahogany shook her head "no...I-i like like you...I have kept this secret, since I first met you.." A bright pink blush appeared in your cheeks "I-I...I like you too mahogany" you confessed back. She smiled and smash her lips into your lips.

You respond the kiss and kiss back. After three minutes of kissing, you guys pulled away, panting a little "I love you (y/n).." "I love you too mahogany" it was now silent, which was awkward "okey, I-I'm going back to sleep now.." You said about to turn off the lights "um...I rather sleep with you.." Mahogany said laying down on your bed

"I thought you already did.." "Yeah...but I want to sleep more with you" you giggled "okey mahogany, you can sleep with me.." Mahogany squealed and turns off the lights for you. Then you guys pull the sheets over you guys and instead of sleeping, you guys went to play.

A Miss and a Maid ~ Mahogany X Reader - (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now