Vendetta the mudder

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You and Mahogany were in her room, in the bed. Mahogany was comforting you, by hugging you and rubbing your back. You guys watch as the rain pours in Mahogany's windows.

There was a light thunder from the distance and the windows were shuddering. Mahogany grabbed you closer to her an hugged you tightly. You hugged back and smiled.

Feeling safe with her. Hoping the moment will never end. Mahogany brings your bangs to the side, and kissed you on the forehead. You hug her tightly and smiled even wider.

"Alright (y/n), I'm going downstairs to get some hot chocolate. Mkay?" Mahogany said letting go. You nodded "alright.." She smiled and got off the bed. She exits her room and down the hallway.

Vendetta was there, hiding in the shadow. When it was the right time, vendetta jumped out and attacked mahogany. Mahogany screamed. Vendetta covered her mouth and put a gun over her head.

Her eyes widen and tears start to fill in her eyes "...I'll let you go, if you have (y/n) mine.." He said. Mahogany shook her head. Vendetta hissed and made a click nose from his gun.

Mahogany started to sob. Just in time, you saw vendetta was about to kill mahogany "Leave her alone!" You shouted in the hallway. Vendetta scoffed "oh please, what are you gonna do about it, babe~?"

A red blush came upon your cheeks. Which made you angry as ever "...WHAT.DID.YOU.CALL.ME?!" "Um...babe?" You had enough. You ran towards him as he pointed the gun towards you.

Which made you stop "(y/n), baby, don't you let me do this to you" "STOP CALLING ME THAT" "LOOK (y/n). If you want the miss to be okey, let me be yours..."

There was silence. You dunno what to decide. But you had a plan that will might work. You sighed and nodded "fine, let me be yours. Now, put down the gun...I'll show you how much I like you~"

He nodded and set aside the gun net to mahogany, without even thinking the miss will take it. You smirked as vendetta was about to kiss you. But while he was doing that, you gave the miss a thumb up behind ven.

She nodded and grabbed the gun and shot ven in the back. Ven stopped, blood was coming down from his back. He fell into the ground, gagging and coughing blood out "that's what happens when you mess with us.."

You ran to pick mahogany up. You guys both hugged each other "mahogany! Your ok!" You said sighing "you too!" She said back. You guys kissed each other as tears were dripping down in your guys eyes.

A Miss and a Maid ~ Mahogany X Reader - (COMPLETED)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu