Joining in~

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It was Tuesday in the night. Cameron was in her room hugging her pillow in bed. She was sobbing into her pillow. Being hurt and awful for herself. Suddenly, there was a knock on the door. Cameron looked up for a second and put her face in the pillow again.

"Go away.." She muffled. There was a knock again "...hey, just let us in" Cameron peeked up. She grunted and got up. She opened the door a little, peeking through. She saw it was you and mahogany. You guys were both smiling at her. She opened wide open and sighed.

"..look guys. I want to be alone in my room. Now go..." She said about to close the door. But suddenly, you stopped her "may we come in..?" Cameron shook her head a no. Mahogany smirked "oh well..then let's break in!" She tackled Cameron to the bed.

Her eyes widen "m-miss! Let m-me go..!" Suddenly mahogany kissed Cameron in the lips "mmmmgh!" She was trying to squirm her way out but you joined in. You pulled her panties down and threw it to the side. Then mahogany slipped Cameron's maids outfit above her.

Then you unhooked her bra. Now she was completely nude. She covered herself, blushing "g-guys! What are you d-doing to me?!" You guys smirked "oh? I thought you wanna be loved~" "b-but not like t-this!" "..oh too bad. Next time you need to be more specific"

Then you and mahogany both stripped down until you guys were nude. Cameron covered her face and whimpered. Blushing hard. Mahogany removed her arms away from her face. Cameron gasp into shock "p-please, stop.." "Oh too later Cameron, were doing it~"

Suddenly, something caught your eye from the ground. It was a box peeking out from under the bed. You went to grab it. It was a vibrator. That probably be vendettas or Cameron's. You showed the box to you guys " this yours Cameron?" Cameron shook her head "I-I will never buy such a t-thing!"

Mahogany scratched her chin "oh well, maybe it was vendettas. But whatever, let's use it!" Mahogany grabbed the box from you and opened it. She smirked and took out the plastic from the vibrator. She threw the box to the side and place it in Cameron's entrance.

Cameron sobbed "s-stop...please.." You shook your head "come'll be fun. You'll see~" mahogany inserts the vibrator in Cameron girl hood and turns it on. Cameron yelps and bites her lip "nghhhhh..~" mahogany nibbles Cameron's neck, looking for her sweet spot.

As for you, you were sucking on Cameron's clit. Cameron was a moaning mess. She never had sex with only girls before. But she kinda liked it. Now you guys switch positions. You were in top of Cameron, as mahogany was behind you. You kissed Cameron on the lips.

Mahogany was licking your pussy. Squeezing your buns apart. (ESSH XD) you insert your tongue in Cameron's mouth. French kissing. Taking deep breathes and in again. Cameron was now getting weak from the vibrator from her ass. After minutes of doing that, you guys switch positions once more.

Mahogany turned off the vibrator and put in the side. Cameron was now facing her body in the bed. Mahogany was in front of Cameron and you were in the back of Cameron. Mahogany pushes Cameron's head into mahoagnys clit. You raise Cameron's legs to your face.

You start to like her pussy. Cameron was sucking/licking on mahoagnys clit, make mahogany moan her name. Cameron was gripping the bed sheets firmly, biting her lip "...g-guys..I t-think my seed is a-about to release..~!" Mahogany shushed her by putting her index figure in her lips.

Finally, you guys  released your seeds. Cameron's face was all wet from mahogany. Your face was all wet from Cameron. Cameron panted and tried to wipe the wetness in her face. You and mahogany cleaned yourselfs up and put back your clothes on.

You put a blanket over Cameron's wet body and kissed her in the forehead "...your already loved Cameron." Cameron was now sleeping and you and mahogany exit her room. Mahogany slowly closed the door on your guys way out. Cameron was now happy.

A Miss and a Maid ~ Mahogany X Reader - (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now