Fun in the Bathtub

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"Oi (y/n)" mahogany said. "Hm..? What is it?" You said back "wanna go in the bathtub with me~?" "O-oh... Um..s-sure!" Mahogany smiled "alright then! What are we waiting for? Come on!" She pulled your arm and ran to the bathroom. Once you guys made to the bathroom, mahogany covered you eyes

"Are you ready?" You nodded "hell yeah I am!" She uncovered your eyes and reveals the bathroom. Your eyes widen not knowing what to say "w-wow....this is impressive..." Mahogany squealed "I know right?! Come on get in!" You nodded and strip down your clothing. You put it in the side and got in the bathtub.

"I-I never saw a bathroom like this mahogany..." You said looking around "meh" mahogany said as she strip down her clothing too "it's because I'm rich, ya know?" You nodded "yeah I know...I can tell" mahogany hopped in the bathtub and sat across from you. She turns on the water and put it warm.

"Let's put some bubbles along with it!" She said grabbing soap. She pours it to the water and bubbles starts to come in the surface "now, all we need is some candles and some relaxing music. hand me the lighter next to you (Y/n)" you nodded and grabbed the lighter and gave it to mahogany

"Thank you (y/n)" she smiled and lit up the candles and puts on the music "ah, there. Now all we need is to relax and listen to the music" you noticed that the song was 'Love me like you do'. A light blush appeared in your cheeks as it hits the first lyrics of 'love me like you do'

You listen to it as to goes:

'...fading in, fading out on the edge of paradise.
Every inch, of you skin, is the holy grail
I gonna find. Only you can set my heart
On fire. On fire. Yeah, I let you set the
Paste. 'Cause I'm not thinking
Straight. My head spinning around
I can't see clear anymore. What are you
Waiting for...?'

Then, when it hits love me like you do, you suddenly kissed mahogany in the lips. Her eyes widen, but she responded and kissed back. The song keeps going and you mahogany kept making out along to it. Her arms were around your neck and your hands cupping her cheeks.

Your guys were French kissing until the end of the song. You guys stopped as a string on saliva connected the tip of your tongues. Your guys body was all wet from the water, including your hairs. Mahogany smiled "that was fun~" you blushed "...I know"

The next song was playing 'careless whisper' (HOLY SHIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTT XDXDXD) mahogany smirked "ready for a second round~?" You nodded "oh fuck yeah~"

A Miss and a Maid ~ Mahogany X Reader - (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now