More people in the mansion

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There was a knock on the door. Mahogany ran to get it. You ran to the door too to see who it is. Mahogany opens the door and saw three robots. "hello!" Said all the three robots "I'm poptart! This is Richard and this is jerung!" They both wave at you guys, smiling.

Mahogany smiled "hi! So are you guys here for a job?" They all nodded "yes!" Mahogany squealed "I'm so happy! My name is miss mahogany and this is (y/n)!" You waved smiling "hi!" "Oh! I forgot someone.." Mahogany turned around and shout Cameron's name "CAMERON! COME OVER HERE!"

Cameron ran to mahogany "yes?" "Say hi to poptart, Richard, and jerung!" Cameron smiled and wave "hello! I'm Cameron!" They all waved at her. Cameron and poptart were looking at each other. Blushing lightly. All of you guys were silent "soooooooo..." Mahogany said breaking the silence

"Come in! Welcome to my mansion! You guys are hired!" They all went in, except for Cameron and Poptart. They were still looking at each other "um...I like your hair" Cameron said. Poptart smiled "oh! Thank you. I like yours too!" Cameron blushed and smiled "aw, thanks!"

Cameron and poptart swayed there feet, feeling awkward. Both of there faces were heat up, and looked away. Cameron bit her lip. Poptart was sucking her lip. Suddenly you appeared from the mansion " guys gonna come in?" Cameron and poptart nodded

"Yeah!" They said at the same time. They looked at each other with the same faces "hey.." There eyes widen "stop! No you stop! No! You stop--!" Suddenly you grabbed both of there wrist. They both Yelp at the same time "okey you both stop"

You both brought them to where mahogany and the people are. She was explaining the same thing when you and Cameron got the job. She even showed them there own room and asked them if they would like to live here in the mansion. They all agreed to do so.

But Poptart was a bit distracted by Cameron.

A Miss and a Maid ~ Mahogany X Reader - (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now