The big question

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Updated 08/02/16

Five minutes till winter break... four minutes... three minutes... two minutes... one minute.... the bell rings....Finally I am out of school for two weeks. This school year is going by quickly and soon I will be off to high school. I am looking forward for a break full of watching Once Upon A Time. Well if I am aloud to use the television. I am a foster child and my foster father doesn't like me all the time.

"Hey Moll, wait up" says a voice behind me, it's Matt my best friend, he has warm brown eyes and brown hair that always falls in his face.

"Hey Matt what's up" I ask, trying to push past people in the hallway.

"The sky duh, just kidding, actually no I'm not because the sky is actually up," he says tripping up his words.

"Yes that is correct Matt" I say rolling my eyes at him and laughing a bit.

"So I was wondering what are you doing this week?"

"Nothing really just re-watching Once Upon A Time episodes that's all"

"Cool, well if you're not doing anything on Monday...."

Oh no here it comes, I knew this day would come since I met him in sixth grade. Matt has developed a small crush on me and it never went away after two years. He is my best friend, but I just feel like it would change our friendship if we ever were in a real relationship. But honestly he is a little cute.

"Would you like to spend your birthday with me and go out for dinner and see a movie with me" he finishes, trying to hide his red cheeks.

"Um... sure I guess" I say blushing all over and smiling too big.

"Really!!! I mean cool! I mean see you then" he says as he races off toward his locker to pack up before break.

Oh boy, now I know what I will be doing on Monday instead of watching Once Upon A Time. And I was really looking forward to re-watching season two. But at least I won't have to spend my birthday alone.Just then Stacey and Rebecca jump in front of me and trip me, making me fall flat on my face knocking my books out of my hand and all over the hallway floor. Stacey and Rebecca have been picking on me since fifth grade, and they never give up trying to make my life miserable.

"Hey ugly! You have another assignment to do for us" sneered Rebecca kicking my books down the hallway.

"I'm not doing anything for you" I fight back. I have been trying to gather the courage to actually do something about them but never really did it. But right now all I want to do I leave this conversation and go home.

"Yes you are I have a five page essay due the day we get back from break about the tersest attack on Paris and you have to do it" says Stacey, putting a lollypop in her mouth throwing more books at on the ground as I pick them up.

"And a book report on Gone With the Wind due in three days, you have to turn it in on Google Classroom," Rebecca says throwing the book Gone With the Wind at me.

"I told you I am not doing your work" I say back at them as I start to pick up my books that are now spread across the hallway.

"Yes you are or we will make your life a living hell" explains Stacey and Rebecca in unison, anger written on their faces, their faces with perfectly applied makeup.

"You already make it a living hell," I say picking up the last book that got wedged between one of the desks outside a classroom.

"I will make what we did to you last week look like child's play" they say smirking down at me.

Last week when I was walking home from the bus stop Rebecca pushed me into a ditch and had the football team beat me up. I ended up with a black eye a fractured wrist, bruised ribs, and a popped shoulder. That was one of the worst things they have ever done to me, they also in the past beat me up until I couldn't walk, or one time I lost vision in my right eye for five days after the football team beat me up. I guess I am an easy target. They left me crying in that ditch for more than a hour before Matt on his afternoon walk with his dog Cooper found me and carried me to my house about two blocks away in the pouring rain, Matt is amazing.

"I said no, I'm not doing all your work" I yell back at them gathering my courage. I should not of said that because just like that Rebecca yells to her boyfriend who happens to be the captain of the football team and about ten kids start to beat me up. After several blows to the face and ribs my vision starts to get blurring. Just before I pass out I see Matt run down the hallway screaming to stop and jump in front of me taking blows himself. I can't help but worry not for myself but for Matt, he is only a few inches taller than me, and the football team is probably seven times taller than me.

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