The darkness is me and I am the darkness

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"The final battle" I ask

"Yes, The Final Battle" Rumple repeats

"What does that mean" I ask

"Your smart dearie you figure it out" Rumple tells me getting up out of the red satin chair he was sitting on and begins to walk toward me

I look down at the heart in my hand and I hear Regina's voice

(Henry's POV)

"Are you sure you want to do this Henry" Regina asks

"Yes I want to learn to use a real sword" I say

"Okay are you ready kid" David asks handing Me a sword

"Yes I am" I say grabbing the sword almost dropping it under its weight

"Are you sure you want to do this" repeats Regina

"Yes mom" I say again

"Okay so hold the sword out like this" says David showing me

(Molly's POV)

Henry practices with his sword for three hours until he is done for the day. He seemed eager to learn so I didn't have to pressure him into it. Around noon he falls asleep tired from training all day so I decide to go downstairs to see what Hook is up to. I find him sitting at a long table talking to Zelena.

"Where were you" Zelena asked getting up

"I was upstairs in my room" I say

"Doing what exactly"

"I was controlling Henry, see I have his heart" I say holding out the heart

"Hook and I heard you talking to someone" Zelena says

"I was talking to the heart, to control Henry" I say rolling my eyes

"No you were talking to someone else, who was it" Zelena asks

"Fine, I was talking to Rumplestiltskin" I say

"He is a hero" Zelena scolds

"No love, she was talking to the Darkone, it takes form of Rumple, it is her guide" Hook says

"Why does she need a guide I could be her guide, you can be her guide" Zelena says

"It is guiding her to embrace the darkness, or help her achieve something" Hook says

"Why do you need to embrace the darkness I thought you already have" Zelena says looking at me with her blue eyes

"I did embrace the darkness" I say

"Then what are you trying to achieve" Zelena says

"I am not going to tell you" I say

"Yes you are I am your mother" she says

"I don't need to listen to you" I yell using my magic to bring her toward me. I see terror in her eyes. I rip her heart out a begin to squeeze. I see Rumple out of the corner of my eye, then I look at Hook and see a smirk on his face. Then I look at my mother, her eyes full of fear and sadness, I look down at her heart, it is black but not entirely there is still some red in it. My eyes fill with tears and I put the heart back in her chest. I am breathing heavily when Zelena's breath returns, fear in her eyes.

"I am sorry I don't know what happened" I say

"Why did you do that to me" Zelena says a tear coming out of her eye

"I don't know, I just got angry with you" I say looking at my shaking hand, knowing I have to get out of this room before I hurt her again, anyone but her, I will kill anyone but her. I look down at my feet and teleport back to my room.

"Why didn't you kill her dearie" Rumple stays sitting on the bed

"I was going to" I say looking at him

"Why didn't you though"

"Because, I need her in my plan" I say smirking

"You didn't kill her because you love her" he asks

"I love her, but I rather have my revenge on the heroes and watch them all bleed then have her" I say darkly

(Authors Message)

Do you think the darkness consumed Molly? Do you think she actually loves Zelena? Why do you think Molly need Henry to learn how to fight with a sword? Will Zelena ever get over/forgive Molly for almost killing her?

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