The Gift

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Sunday blows by quickly, and in a blink of an eye it is Monday.  At 10:00 while eating a blueberry muffin the phone rings. 

"Happy Birthday Moll" says Matt threw the phone

"Thank Matt" I say

"How are you feeling? Still up for dinner and movies"

"I actually feel fine, and absolutely I am still up for today"

"Cool I will pick you up around 4:00... I mean my mom will pick you up... I mean my mom will be driving us"

"Okay, what movie are we seeing"

"It's a surprise"

"What about the restaurant?  Are we still getting pizza"

"Again it is a surprise, I will only tell you one thing dress nice"


"Okay, bye"

"Bye" I say as I hang up

Once I put the phone back where it was Joe runs down the stairs and runs into the kitchen where I am and tackles me in a bear hug.

"Happy birthday Molly" says Joe in his squeaky voice

"Thank you Joe"

"I got you something" explains Joe pulling a small bracelet with two charms on it handing it to me. "It's you and me" Joe describes pointing to the two charms

"Thank you so much, I will wear it everyday I promise" I say putting it on, that promise was not just a little kid promise you say to your kids or little siblings when they give you something silly and it will end up in the garbage can when they are not looking.  This was a real promise, my brother never got me a gift and this bracelet probably cost him a fortune; all his allowance he ever made since he was probably four. My family is not really what you say rich so we hardly get presents for our birthday or any holiday.  So this was probably my most prized possession. 

Four o'clock comes quickly.  I pick out a white dress about knee length and red flats to go with it.  At exactly 4:00 Matt rings the doorbell wearing dress pants, a button-up white shirt, and a red tie. 

"Hi Moll. Happy Birthday" Matt says

"Hey Matt, thank you"

"Now Matt what time will you be back around" says my dad from behind

"No later that 9:00 sir"

"Okay, tell your parents I said hi"

"Okay Mr. Bellman"

I wish....Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora