The date

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Matt escorts me outside to his car and opens the door for me. After I step inside a sit down next to him a warm feeling comes over me, one I haven't experience since my mother died when I was two.... like I was wanted here... like I have a home...

"How are you Molly" says Matt's mom smiling through the review mirror

"I am good, and your self" I ask back

"I am very well thank you"

"Well Matt, are you going to tell me where we are going" I ask

"No, I told you already it is a surprise" Matt teases

After about a ten minute drive we pull up to the movie theater and get out.

"I will pick you up when the movie is over" yells Matts mother from behind us

"Okay mom" Matt says with a goofy smile on his face

We slowly walk into the movie theater and Matt escorts me to the ticket booth to order the tickets.

"I can pay for my own" I say pulling out the money I have in my small purse

"No need... no need... I got this, it's your birthday after all" he says smirking

"Are you sure Matt"

"Absolutely, Two tickets for Age of Adeline"

"Really! We are seeing that, I wanted to see that since it came out"

"Yes we are seeing that, I knew you wanted to see it so I planed this evening since it came out for your birthday" Matt says paying for the tickets and bringing me to the concession stand.

"Pick anything you want to eat or drink and it is yours" he says smirking once more at me

"No it is okay I am going to save my appetite for later" I say

"Okay... two blue icys and one large pop corn" He says handing me the blue icy.

I smile "Thank you Matt"

After everything is all paid for we walk into the movie and sit in the middle row, right in the center; my favorite spot. The movie begins after 15 minutes of previews and Matt does the thing boys do in the movies; pretend to stretch and then raps his arm around me. I let him, infact I actually put my head on his shoulder. After about two hours of sitting with him in the movie theater the movie is over and we walk back to the main entrance to see his mom's car already waiting for us.

"How did you like the movie" he asks me

"I loved it, thank you so much"

"Your welcome, it was no problem. It is your birthday after all and you are my favorite person by far"

"Well still thank you, and you are my favorite person as well"

"How was the movie guys" asks Matt's mom when we get in the car

"It was amazing" I say

"It was grrrrrrreat" says Matt

I laugh, after another ten minutes we pull up to a restaurant  I always wanted to go to but my family can't afford it; Alinea. After we finish eating Matt whispers into the waiters ear and the waiter goes into the kitchen.

"I can't believe I am here" I say

"I knew you always wanted to go here so I made it happen" Matt says

Just then the waiter comes back with a small cupcake with a lighter and a blue candle on it.

"I promise you your wish will come true" says Matt as the waiter puts the cupcake down, lights the candle, and walks away.

"No, my wish is impossible" I say

I wish....Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu