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Regina runs in followed by everyone else and stops dead in her tracks looking down at Doc.

"What happened" Regina said

"Zelena... she... she killed him" I say starting to cry

"Don't you see this proves that Molly IS evil" Henry says

"This doesn't prove a thing" Emma says

"Why would I kill Doc?" I ask

"Because that is what villains do, they kill" sneers Henry. 

Henry is getting to curious so with a wave of my hand I freeze everyone except for Henry and I look up at him. 

"What did you do?" he asked

"I froze them" I say

"You are a villain"

"Yes, and the darkest of them all" I smirk

"What" he asked

"Zelena didn't cast the curse, I did, that is why you can't find Joe, I killed him"

"Like you killed Doc"

"Yes" I said getting up changing into my dark cloak

"You want to kill me" he said

"No no, no! I would never kill you" I say walking toward him, he steps back

"Then what do you want with me" he says

"Your heart of course! To control you" I laugh

"Regina enchanted it so no one can rip it out" Henry smirks

"Well anyone can't rip it out, but the Darkone can" I say slipping my hand out of my cloak

"The Darkone? You found him" Henry asked

"No silly, I am the Darkone" I hiss at him ripping his heart out of his chest

"Ah! I am going to tell them you did this" he yelled

"You clearly never had your heart ripped out, as long as I have you heart I control you" I say squeezing it a little

"Ah! I will find a way to tell them"

"Now, when they all unfreeze you tell them Zelena captured me but do not say where she is" I say to him before I disappear, once I disappear everyone unfreezes

(Henry's POV)

"Where is Molly" Emma asks looking around

"Zelena captured her" I say hearing Molly's voice in my head

"We have to find her, do you know where she is" Emma says

"No" I say truthfully

I walk with Emma and Regina by my side through the halls of the castle.  I want to tell them what I know but I can feel Molly's grip on me, so I just walk quietly.

"What's wrong kid" Emma asks

"Nothing is wrong" I choke

"Yes something is clearly wrong" Regina says stopping to look me in the eyes

"Nothing is wrong mom" I say knowing something is actually wrong, my heart isn't in my chest

"Please tell me, I am worried for you"

"Mom, I told you everything in perfectly fine" I say brushing her off and I turn to Emma "Can you tell her I am okay"

"I don't know kid you don't look alright" Emma says

"Fine I am nervous for Molly, can you or David teach me how to sword fight with a real sword this time? So I can protect myself if I ever come face to face with Zelena" I say, actually Molly says for me. But I do like the idea of learning how to fight  just scared for why Molly wants me to know how to fight.

"Sure kid I am sure David would love to teach you, as well as Mary-Margret.  If you don't remember she is pretty handy with a sword" Emma says

"Thanks" I say hugging Regina and Emma

(Molly's POV)

"These Heroes are so easy to trick" I tell Hook when he discovers I am back

"Why are you back? I thought you were gather information" he says

"They think Zelena captured me, they think she casted the curse to get us here"

"That didn't answer my question"

"I have Henry's heart he was getting to curious found out I was a villain right on the spot so I took his heart, anyway they trust him more then they trust me" I say

"Good idea love" Hook says looking at Henry's heart in my hand

"I know" I say

"How did you get his heart? Regina put a spell on it so it can't be ripped out again.  I even tried to take it"

"Well I am the Darkone" I say

"I am too"

"But I got though the spell" I whisper in his ear before I walk into my room to no other than Rumplestiltskin. 

"You took a heart" he said

"Yes, actually this is my fourth heart that I took" I say

"Yes, yes very good dearie" he says

"What do you want" I ask

"I want to know why and how you took that heart" he says pointing to Henry's heart

"I took it so I could find information about the Heroes and it was easy to break that spell, it was weak"

"Do you know who's heart that is" he asks

"It is Henry's heart, The Heart of The Truest Believer" I say

"You know a lot dearie, that will come in handy"

"For what"

"For the Final Battle and what happens after it" he says

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