The blue star candle

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"Where is Storybrooke" I ask; I never heard of the name

"Maine" replies Emma

Just then the doctor walks in wearing a white lab coat and holding a clip board "The girl lost all her extended memories"

"Wait... what" I ask

"You lost most of your memories" says the man

"But I don't remember anything either" says Joe sheepishly

"You are too" replies the man

"What is you name" I ask

"I'm Dr. Whale" he says offering his hand

"Hello, I am Molly" I reply shaking his hand

"When can Molly leave" asks Emma

"Actually now, if she is not going on her own" he says

"Okay, her and her brother is coming with me" says Emma

"Okay then you are free to leave"

After they disconnect me from a machine Emma helps me to the car with my brother trailing behind us talking to Mr. Gold and Regina. Emma takes us to a yellow bug, I sit next to her in the front and my brother sits behind me.

"So Molly, how old are you and your brother" asks Emma

"I just turned 14 last night and Joe he is six" I reply

"That's cool, I arrived here on my birthday too"

"Cool coincidence"

"Yeah, and I have a son too, you know Regina, that is his adoptive mom" she says

"So you are his birthmother, What's his name"

"His name is Henry, he is your age actually"

"Cool maybe I can meet him soon, it would be nice to know someone my age here" I reply

"You will, I think he is stopping over later for dinner"

It was a short ride from the hospital to her house. We had to walk two flights of stairs to arrive at her apartment. Once we got to the door we were greeted by a young woman and man about Emma's age.

"Molly, Joe these are my parents" says Emma

"How are they your parents they look the same age as you" I reply confused

"Nice to meet you Molly" says the woman rapping me in a hug, and doing the same to my brother

"Welcome to our splendid home" says the man hugging me and my brother also

"Do you guys want hot cocoa?" asks the woman

"Yes please" we say together

While the woman makes us the hot chocolate she sprinkles a little cinnamon on it I look at it.

"Oh sorry, I can make a new one, Its a habit I always put cinnamon on my hot chocolate" she says

"No, I do too, I love cinnamon on my hot chocolate as well" I say taking a sip

"And by the way I am Mary-Margret and this is David" she says kindly

"Are you sure it is okay if we stay with you" I ask Emma, David, and Mary-Margret

"Absolutely you can" says Mary-Margret

"And I am sure if some days that you don't want to stay here Regina will be happy to have you come over" says Emma

"Okay, thank you" I say

"Hey mom is it okay if I stay for dinner" says a boy walking in the door; it must be Henry

"Oh hi, I am Henry" says the boy

"Hi, I am Molly" I say

"Um... when did you get here" he says

"Um... this morning I think"

"Oh, mom, David, Mary-Margret can I talk to you for a second" Henry asks

(Henry's POV)

No one ever enters Storybrooke after we put a protection spell so this place can be hidden. Only Emma entered this place and that was because she was the savior so these kids must be important. They follow me out leaving Molly and the boy sitting there drinking hot cocoa.

"What's wrong kid" asks Emma

"No one ever enters Storybrooke it is hidden from the human eye" I say

"Well these kids did, and they both lost their memory the last thing Molly can remember is blowing out a birthday candle last night and this morning she was here" Emma says

"What was the color of the candle and what did it look like" I ask frantically remembering when Emma wished on a blue star candle on the birthday I showed up.

"We don't know why would we" asked David

I open the door to ask Molly what the candle looked like- "What shape and color was the candle"

"It was a blue star candle" she says

I quickly shut the door; we need my mom and Mr. Gold here soon I think

"It was a blue star candle" I say

"The same candle I wished on the day you showed up" says Emma understanding what I was thinking

"A blue star candle... oh... a blue star" says Mary-Margret

I look over to David and I can tell by his face that I know he understands what we are all thinking.

"We need to get my mom, and Mr. Gold over here now" I say

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