The dreams just keep on coming

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(Molly's POV)

This is the third night I wake up screaming. Emma as always comes into "my room" to sooth me.

"Hey, hey it's okay. I'm here" says Emma lighting the candle next to my bed

"I.. I am scared Emma" I say into her shoulder

"It's okay to be afraid, I will protect you"

"Th...Thank you, can we talk about it, that always makes me feel better" I say

"Of course you can"

"I was in the flaming room again, and it was very silent and I was trapped with only the thoughts of what happened to my brother. Then I looked through the flames and the man with the dagger was there watching me. Then like in the previous dreams I had he pulled it out and held it in front of him. This time though he whispered something but I could not here, then he disappeared. I was frightened and I couldn't see him until I felt his presence close... He appeared right in front of me and choked me and threw me against the wall but he wasn't using his hands... it... it was like... magic" I say


"Yes magic but not like you probably think, not like in Disney movies, it was like dark magic... I think he was trying to make me tell him something, or hurt me, or even kill me" I say thinking about the hooded man slamming me into the flames

"Dark magic?"

"Yes, but the funny thing is that he didn't stick around to kill me after a few slams into the wall he disappeared in a big puff of blue smoke"

"Well you are safe now, no one can hurt you here" Emma says in a reassuring voice

"Thank you Emma, I think I could go to sleep now"

"Okay goodnight" says Emma getting up and closing the door on the way out

(Emma's POV)

I feel dizzy as I walk down the stairs into the kitchen where everyone is still sitting.

"What was it" asked David worried

"Another bad dream, in the fire room again" I say and start explaining the whole dream

"Maybe we should give her the storybook, to see if that helps the nightmares and if she sees any thing in her dream in it" said Henry

"That's a good idea, but what if she sees us in it" asks Mary-Margret

"We can tell her it is a special copy made for the town and we got painted as our favorite characters, if she asks" says Henry

"Lets do it! I will give her the book tomorrow when she comes home from the day with you Emma" says Mary-Margret

"Okay I think we should do it" I say in agreement

(Molly's POV)

I wake up sweating and breathing heavy. I walk downstairs where Emma is making to cups of hot chocolate with cinnamon. I must be going with her today when I see her putting it in travel cups.

"Hey Molly, what's wrong" asks Emma

"Just a rough night" I say

"Another bad dream"

"Not really, well not as bad as the fire room one"

"We can talk about it in the car" offers Emma

"Okay, I like talking to people about my dreams"

We go into her yellow bug with two hot chocolates and go to the Sherriff Station, I decide to wait until we are in the Station until I tell her about my dream. The Sherriff Station is small and has two cells.

"So what about that dream" say Emma sitting down at her desk

I take a seat on the other side of the desk and begin "I was in a library, and there was a single candle lit, no books on the shelves, there was only one book, it was on the table in front of me... it was a big brown book face down so I couldn't see the title. But I couldn't go to it because the hooded man appeared and again like in the fire dream began to choke me and slam me against the wall. But the most unpredictable happened somehow the magic he used stopped working and I was released but he didn't release me. I began to go for the book because I thought it must be important if the dark... one didn't want me to have it but right when my fingers touched it, it bursted into flames and I just heard the man laughing as he disappeared into a cloud of blue smoke"

Emma looked stunned "Wow" was all she said before she answered the ringing phone

(Emma's POV)

I picked up my ringing phone to hear Regina.

"Did she tell you about the dream yet" she said

"Yes" I said

"How was it" she asked worried


"Well meet us outside and leave Molly there we have a problem" she said

I get up and tell Molly to stay here because there is a commotion outside that I have to quickly fix. I walk outside to see Regina, Henry, David, Mr. Gold, and Mary-Margret all standing there with worried faces.

"What's wrong" I ask

"Tell us about the dream first" says Regina

I go on and explain as there faces get paler by the second

"Do you think the dream should signs of magic" asked Henry

"Indeed I do, but light or dark I can not tell" says Mr. Gold

"Now what is wrong" I ask

"It's Zelena, she's back" said Mary-Margret

(Authors Note)

Who do you think Molly really is? Who is the man under the cape? Why did Zelena come back to Storybrooke?

Comment what you think and or what you want to happen.

I wish....Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz