What is Powerful Enough to Break any Spell?

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Author's Note:

This is the last chapter please comment/message me and vote if you want a sequel!

(Henry's POV)

I walk quickly behind Gold so I can walk the same speed as his abnormally quick stride.  We take a few unfamiliar turns, heading to a part of the castle I have never seen before. 

"What are you going to show me" I ask

"I am not going to show you anything, I am sure the voices will stop" he says

"Just with me being there" I ask confused

"No" he says walking into a room which looks like an old armory

"Than how" I ask getting frustrated now

"That is for you to find out, you will know when the time comes.  But just incase" he says holding out the sword everyone gave me with my name engraved in it

"When will I know when the time comes" I ask putting the sword in my belt

"You are the only one who knows, also just remember I will be there also" Mr. Gold says grabbing a sword as well

"When do we venture off into the dungeon" I ask standing up straight

"In a hour or so, we must eat first, we don't know how long we will be down there" Gold says walking out of the armory and toward the dining area

We walk to the dining area where everyone is still sitting but now they all have platters out in front of them.  There are two empty seats with platters as well, Mr. Gold and I take a seat, we eat quickly.  When we stand up to leave I get embraced in hugs and good lucks.  I feel bad for Mr. Gold I am getting hugged by everyone where as he is only getting a hug from Belle.  I check that I have my sword before I begin to walk down the steep, long stairs that lead to the dungeon.  A sudden wave of courage rushed though me and I quicken up my pace. Once my feet touch the flatten surface of the ground I know that Molly's cell is just to my left.  I turn and when I am about twenty feet away from the bars I hear a small giggle coming from the cage, similar to Rumple's.  I take another step forward and Molly jumps down from where she once was sitting, her skin shinning as bright as ever, her hair black as night, her eyes the palest blue I have ever seen. 

"I knew you were coming, I saw it in a vision.  But unfortunately the vision never told me how it ended" Molly says holding the bars tightly

"Molly I know you are in there" I say continuously

"No she is not, all there is left is the Darkone. And I will get out of here and make that sleeping curse" she says in a wickedly evil voice

"In my book a Seer once told Rumple that he needed to learn to sort out what can be and what is to be" I say reciting my book

"Yes I know, and the potion is a what is to be" she says in the voice again

"It may not be Molly" I say again taking a few steps closer, getting dangerously close to her

"Yes it is" she chokes then talks again "Henry I told you to get away, the voices, the voices, are in my head, controlling my every move" she says quickly 

"I will help you find a way to defeat the darkness" I say

"The only way is to kill me, but then you must hold this darkness! And I will never let you kill me! I am the most power person alive" she screams at my face

That's it, I may not have to kill her, but again I remember something that was in my book. Something that my mom told Belle. Every curse can be broken by true loves kiss!  I take another step closer so we are very close, I can see Molly's shaking hands.  I reach out and I grab one, she flinches then looks at me with innocent eyes.  I carefully grab her other shaking hand.  I take a deep breathe and I lean in slowly, she just stands there, then our lips touch.  I open my eyes to see her skin slowly go back pale, her hair turning back to her brownish reddish color, and then she stops shaking and opens her eyes.

"You did it Henry, you broke my curse" she says with a smile

I smile back and I smile at her beautiful face "Indeed I did"  

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