Mr. Gold

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(Molly's POV)

"What's going on in your head Molly" Mr. Gold asks leaning on his cane

"Why would you care" I say looking up moving my bangs out of my face

"Molly it may not seem like it but, I do care for you, Belle isn't the only one who sees you as their child" he says beginning to walk slowly up to the bars

I lift my chin a bit more so I can look him in the face from where I am standing.

"Molly, I can help you, I had the voices once before, come out from the corner lets talk" Mr. Gold says kindly, even more kind then he usually talks to Belle

"No, I can't, you can't help me" I say as my head begins to blur with more voices

"Yes I can, I promise" he says with his face right next to the bars now

"The voices, the voices, in my head, they won't go away" I cry as more and more voices fill my brain, clouding my judgment

"Molly you have to trust me, I had to deal with them as well while I was the Darkone"

" did you get rid of them... ahhh" I say as I feel a sharp pain racing toward my chest, oh no not this again

"I didn't Belle did, what's wrong" he says worried but also scared

"My.. my.. ahhh" I cry as I collapse on the ground

"Molly" he screams, I don't see him, I just hear him, in the background of my mind "Molly I will help save you, if it is the last thing I do"

(Henry's POV)

I cry as I am pulled helplessly up the stairs and into the dinning area. I sit looking down at my feet for about an hour before Mr. Gold limps upstairs with a rather sad look on his face. I can tell nothing good happened.

"What is it" Regina asks looking up realizing Mr. Gold's sad face

"The voices can only be stopped by one thing" Mr. Gold says

"What" I ask hopefully

"You, Henry. And only you" Mr. Gold says

"I am not putting my son in danger" Regina says

"I made a promise to Molly, and I intend to honor that promise. It must be Henry" he says

"No.." Regina begins to say before I cut her off

"Deal, I will do anything to save her, even if it means it puts me in danger" I say standing up

"I knew you would agree, Molly is passed out right now, but when she awakens you must be there" Mr. Gold says

"You are not sending my son in a dungeon with some Demon" Regina says

"SHE IS NOT A DEMON" Mr. Gold shouts defensivly earning stares from all of us "Henry, let's go I must prepare you just in case she doesn't listen to you" he says ushering me out of the dinning area

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