Hook's Ship

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(Molly's POV)

I open my eyes, I am laying down on the ground,  I feel different, my head is pounding, and my thoughts are very cruel.  I look up and see Rumple looking down at me.

"Hello dearie" he says waving like a child

"What do you want" I say rudely getting up

"How do you feel" he asks

"Like I have been reborn" I say smirking

"You have officially embraced the darkness"

"I know, now we must start this battle" I say

(Emma's POV)

I walk downstairs the day of the battle to find everyone ready with their weapons.  I walk up to Mary-Margret and she hands me a sword I put it on my belt. 

"Isn't there another way" I ask

"No, the only way to stop the darkness from consuming her is to kill her" Gold says

"But she stopped when I told her to" I said

"Emma the only way to free Molly from the darkness is to kill her" Regina says sadly

"But the person that kills her becomes the Darkone" I say

"That is why Gold will kill he, he has experience with darkness, he was the Darkone once"

"Yes, but I don't want her to die" I say

"It is the only way" Robin says standing by Regina's side with his arm around her, the he takes a knee

"Regina, I love you with all my heart.  And after tonight is over and we come home, something that I would make this day the best day in my life is me knowing that I have a beautiful bride along side me... Regina Mills, will you marry me" Robin says

Regina starts to cry and says "Yes, yes Robin"

Robin slips the ring onto Regina's finger and gets up and kisses his new bride. 

(Molly's POV)

It is nearly noon when I appear in the dinning room next to Hook

"Lets go Hook" I say

"Yes" he says getting up, but he freezes when he sees me, my skin now simmering bright and my hair fully black now

"Stop staring at me" I say harshly

"Molly what happened to you"

"I embraced the darkness... all of it... fully" I say

"Well I am glad that you and I are on the same side" says Hook laughing

"Enough of this silliness, we have a fight to win" I say teleporting us to his ship, where the heroes already are

"Molly" Emma chokes

I smirk "Hello Emma"

"What is your choice" Emma says

"I choose... darkness" I say

"Molly, please, you don't have to embrace the darkness" Emma says

"But I already have dearie" I say taking a step forward

"No, I say light in you yesterday" Emma says

"That was the old Molly" I say taking my hood off now,  reveling my black hair and glowing skin.  The heroes gasp, but when I look at Emma she is crying

"Enough with the crying Emma" I say

"I told you Emma, she wouldn't change" says Mr. Gold taking his sword out

I smirk "Ah, yes Gold.  You where just at the castle with me, oh wait no you weren't the Darkone you was with me"

"Oh, Gold, you know how this works.  You were the Darkone too once, you can only kill me with the dagger, which you don't have.  You also don't have magic so how is that possible" I say appearing right in his face. 

Mr. Gold jerks his sword at me and I grab it and throw it into the sea.  "Now what are you going to fight with" I tease

"Are you just going to stand there and talk or are you going to kill me" Gold says

"Kill... you... What fun is it to kill you.  I was thinking a different approach.  Maybe killing Belle" I say darkly

"You touch her and you die" Gold sneers

"I... I am going to die, how" I say

"I will find a way" Gold says

"Awe, did you get that line from Hook? Because he said that when you killed Milah" I say

I give Gold a small smirk then disappear and then I reappear in front of Belle.  I effortlessly rip her heart out and crush it.  I look back at him and smirk again.

"Now, are you going to kill me now" I laugh

"What have you done" he says running toward Belle's body

I walk up to Regina who is ready with a fireball. 

"You take one more step and you will die" Regina says

I continue walking, she throws it at me, I put it out "Really Regina, I broke through the spell you put on poor Henry's heart, you really think that is going to stop me"

"What do you want" Regina asks

"Well if you listened yesterday, I never said I was going to kill you guys" I say and I appear in front of Robin and rip his heart out also "I just want to kill the thing you love the most" I finish crushing Robins heart also

Regina shouts and begins to cry over his body. 

I walk over to Emma with a grin on my face.  "Ah, and the Savior"

"Molly please, how did you become like this" Emma asks

"Well simple really, I crushed Zelena's heart, embraced the darkness, and now I am here killing the things you love the most. 

"You killed the thing I loved the most already" Emma says

"Actually no I didn't" I say

"You killed Henry" Emma says

"But, you still love one thing don't you" I say appearing behind Hook with Excalibur, I drive the sword through his mid-section

"No" Emma shouts as she runs toward Hook

"I knew you love something other then Henry" I say looking down at her

"Please Molly, I know you are in there, please stop" Emma whispers

Then I feel like I have been hit by a truck, and I collapse on the ground, my vision begins the blur, oh no don't pass out, and it goes black.


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