To The Dungeon You Go

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(Emma's POV)

I cry over Hook's dead body, I can't believe Molly did this, no Molly did not do this the Darkone did.  She passed out right when I told her to stop but there was the same look in her eyes like I saw last night when she told us we were going to loose.

"She has to die" Gold stands up sprinting up to Molly's body

"No" I scream throwing myself between him and Molly

"She just killed Belle, Robin, and Hook and you want to spare her" Mr. Gold says

"I saw the same thing I saw last night in her eyes, like hope" I say

"Ms. Swan you are imaging things, now get out of my way" Gold says sternly

"No, lets not kill her.  Lets instead... put her in the cell you were put into when you were the Darkone, then she will be powerless and she can't hurt us" I say defending Molly, I will not loose her too

"Fine, lets get going then, we have to get her there before she wakes up" Regina says still crying

"Okay lets go" I say picking up Molly's small frame

We walk for about a minute until Mary-Margret and David run toward us; they were on a part of the boat where they couldn't be seen so they can shoot from above

"Emma, I am so sorry" Mary-Margret says

"No time, we need to get her to Rumple's old cell" I say picking up my pace

"How will I explain this to Roland" Regina says her cheeks still damp from crying

"I don't know, but we need to get there quick" I say

We walk for about another twenty minutes until we get to the castle, once we get there they lead me down a dark stairwell,  after a few hundred stairs everything flattens out and a single cage is in sight, I is big but no way to get in or out.

"Let me see her" says Regina holding out her arms

"Why" I ask

"So I could put her in the cell of course" Regina says

"Okay, but be gentle" I say handing Molly over to Regina

Regina walks over to the cell and waves her hand over the cell and a small opening appears, she places Molly inside then seals it back up again. "There it is done, she may be waking up soon so we may want to go upstairs" Regina suggests

"Okay, but can I come talk to her later" I ask

"Yes, we all will" Regina says

(Molly's POV)

After I pass out I couldn't see anything, or hear anything, just feel things, like anger, hatred, disappointment, and sadness, all the feelings that are bad.  I am in the darkness for a while trapped by all my thoughts.  When I wake up, I am in a new place, I feel powerless, I recognize this place from Henry's book, it is the cage the heroes trapped Rumplestiltskin in.  I sit up quickly and look around, there is no way to get out.  I pace around, try to use magic, pace around, try to use magic, pace around, get mad at the heroes, pace around, plan my revenge.  I do this for about two hours.  When I stop I hear a noise from outside the cage, like a door opening then closing.  I go and sit on one of the wall rocks and wait. 

"M.... Molly are you there" Emma says

I don't respond

"Molly please show yourself" she says

I don't show myself

"Darkone show yourself" Emma says

That's it.  I jump down and into the torch light to see Emma, Regina, Snow, Charming, and Rumple standing there.  I smirk "Well hello dearies"

"We want our memories back" Snow says

"No" I say

"No! Yes you are going to give us our memories back now" Regina says getting fed up

"Don't you see, she wants to make a deal" Rumple says

"Indeed it do, nice work Rumple" I say walking closer to the bars

"Fine what would you like" Snow says

"There is nothing in your position I want" I say taking another step toward them

"You could have anything" David says

"I told you, you don't have anything I want, so there is no deal" I say getting irritated

"Please Molly, give us back our memories" Emma says very close to the cage bars now

"That isn't going to work again with me dearie" I say stepping forward, I am about a foot away from the bars

"What do you want, you can have anything, anything in the whole realm" David pushes

"Wait, now I know what I want" I say smirking

"What is it" Regina asks

"Henry's storybook" I say

"What do you want with it" Regina asks

"Well lets just say, it comes handy in the future, and now if you will" I say reaching out for the book

Snow takes it out of a travel bag and hands it to me, I giggle

"Now our memories" David says

"Well I am in here, I don't have magic" I say

"Give it to us" Regina says

"Fine, there is a potion on the dining room table, all you have to do is simply drink it" I giggle

"How do we know you aren't lying" David asks

"Because I am not dearie" I say truthfully

"She isn't lying guys I could tell, lets go" Emma says turning, everyone follows her and I am alone again

(Emma's POV)

I walk quickly up to the dinning room, and sure enough there is the memory potions, five of them.  We walk up to them and take them.  I am the first to put the liquid to my mouth, and as soon as I do my memories come swirling back, the curse, Molly killing her brother, Zelena finding her in the woods, her dreams, her getting frightened when she hurt me, and when she found out the truth. I gasp for breathe when the memories are over and I think for a second about what Molly said in the cage

"Mr. Gold, remember what Molly said" I ask

"When she said what" he asks

"About the storybook" I said

"Ah yes that"

"What does she mean it will come handy in the future" I ask

"I don't know dearie, I don't have that power anymore, she does"

"So what you are saying is the Molly can see the future" I ask

"Yes, yes she can see into the future" Gold confirms

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