Take my Hand

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I hear a foolish giggle behind me, I freeze.  Oh no not him again.  I slowly turn around to face the man I fear to face, a man I thought was gone.  Rumple is sitting there on the velvet chair smiling at me.  Fear rushes over me.  I stare back at him.

"Well that was a meaningless tale" he says in his high pitch Scottish voice

"What do you mean meaningless" I say

"You don't love Henry" he says smirking at me

"Maybe... maybe... I do" I say scared to reveal my true feelings about Henry

"No you don't, the Darkone can not love" he says walking over to me now

"I don't want to be the Darkone anymore" I scream at him

"But you are, the Darkone" he says right next to my ear

"Get away from me I don't want to be the Darkone just leave me alone" I scream and the cuff falls off and a burst of blue hits the opposite wall.  Rumple smirks then disappears as Emma, Robin, Mr. Gold, Henry and Regina burst in my room. 

"What the hell happened in here" Regina says as she sees the opposite wall which is glowing blue like when I first discovered I had magic

"I.. broke the cuff" I cry

"How did you do that" she asks

"Rumple, he came back.  And I got angry with him and then the cuff broke" I cry harder backing away from them

"It's okay Molly, we can help you" Henry says walking toward me slowly

"Henry, stay back, I don't want to hurt you" I say backing up some more

"Please, I trust you, you won't hurt us" he says continuing to walk toward me

"I did it before Henry, I don't want to do it again" I cry as another burst of blue shoots out of my hand hardly missing Henry's face "Lock me up, back in Rumple's old cell"

"Henry maybe we should just until she gains control again" Regina says holding out her hand toward Henry

"No, I believe she can overcome this, she can defeat the darkness" he says as I freeze and he walks up to me holding out his hand

"Henry you saw what I did to Emma when she did this, I don't want to do it to you too" I whisper

"Just trust me Molly, take my hand" he says in a gentle voice

I look up into his brown eyes and I grab his hand. Nothing happens to him or me, he just smiles and I smile back at him.  His hand is warm and kind.  He let goes and nothing happens Rumple is gone and my magic isn't going haywire.  He turns around to face everyone else's shocked faces.

"I told you it would work" he says with a smile

"Thank you Henry" I say with a smile as I pick up the cuff, fix it then I put it back on. 

I work on more books after everyone leaves until there is a knock at the door around two o'clock in the morning.  I slowly walk over to it and open it, Henry is standing there with messy hair and in his pajamas. 

"Oh hi Henry" I say smiling

"Hey Molly.  I woke up a while ago and I wanted to say hi and see how you are doing" he says smiling back at me

"I am good.  I was wondering Henry how did you know that would work" I say

"How what would work" he asks

"When you held out your hand, how did you know that it would stop the magic" I ask

"I didn't but I believed that it would, and I trust you" he says moving some hair out of his face

"But why do you trust me" I say "And why are you here, its two o'clock"

"I just do, and I wanted to ask you something" he says looking down at his bare feet

"Oh okay" I say

"I was wondering if tomorrow maybe instead of writing, we could go to the stables" he says smiling weakly

"Why the stables" I ask

"Well, I maybe I could teach you how to ride a horse, and I know a perfect place to learn" he says smiling nervously

"Of course I will go with you, sounds good" I say

"Really... I mean cool.. I mean see you later" he says before running back toward his room

I freeze, he just sounded like Matt, skipping over his words like that, and now that I think of it he looks exactly like him.

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