They came here too

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(Emma's POV)

Molly disappears along with Hook that's when Regina and I start cry.  I walk back over to Henry's limp body and pick it up.  My tears just keep on going after we start walking back to the castle.  I feel bad for Regina because Henry and Robin was the only thing she had left and we couldn't find Robin, Belle, or Mr. Gold.  We walk for a half hour until we arrive at the castle.  I bring Henry's body in with us and I place it in what once was his bed. 

"I am so sorry Regina" I say wiping my tears

"I am sorry too, I should have known he was being controlled by someone" Regina says

"I just can't believe Molly is the Darkone now" I say looking down at my black boots

"Yes that was very surprising" Regina says

"And Hook is here" I say

"That is not good either, he can be influencing Molly" Regina says

"No, I could tell this was all her.  Hook is just following her" I say

"How powerful do you think Molly is" Regina asks

"Very strong, she broke through the spell you put on Henry's heart" says Mr. Gold stepping out from behind the doorway followed by Belle

"When did you get here"  I ask

"Just before you" Belle says

While I was talking to them I see Regina getting uneasy she is probably thinking about Robin showing up since Mr. Gold and Belle are here.  And as a answer to my thoughts Robin runs up behind Regina without her knowing and picks her up.

"Regina" says Robin swinging her around

"Robin?" Regina asks surprised to see him

"Yes, I am here" Robin says

"I am here too" Roland says running down the hall behind his dad

"I missed you guys" says Regina kissing Robin and hugging Roland

"Where's Henry? I want to go play with him" Roland says jumping up and down next to Regina

Regina stops and frowns "Um... Henry he is.... out for a walk with Doc, he will probably be here tomorrow morning"

"Okay, I can't wait" Roland says yawning

"Hey Roland what about I go read you a story" I say

"Okay! Cool" Roland says

(Regina's POV)

Emma takes Roland to another room.  I look at Robin happy that he had came. 

"Henry isn't out with Doc is he" Robin asks

"No" I say

"What happened" Robin asks with concern

"Henry... he... he is dead" I choke and start to sob again

"I am so sorry Regina, it will be alright, we will find a way to bring him back" Robin says

"We can't... he got his heart ripped out" I sob

"Who ripped it out" Robin says hugging me

"The Darkone" I say weakly

"Hook? He is here"

"He is here but that isn't the Darkone that killed my boy"

"Who is it then" Robin asks in my ear

"Molly, Molly Mills... my niece" I sob

"The kid that was in the hospital" Robin asks

"Yes that is her"

(Molly's POV)

I arrive back at Hook's castle.

"That went well" I say

"Yes, but I have one question, why did you kill Zelena" Hook asks

"I didn't kill her I just put her under a sleeping curse" I say


"She was getting in my way" I say looking into his blue eyes

"But she is your mother"

"She wasn't ever my mother" I say darkly

"What shall we do now love" Hook asks

"We are going to prepare for that fight" I respond


"We must see who is with them, so we know who is coming" I respond

"Don't you have Rumple's burden to see the future" Hook asks

"Indeed I do, but I am not going to go into the future because that could change it"

"But what  if we loose" he asks

"We won't, I know"

"You looked"

"No, I just know" I say turning toward the staircase to my room

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