The Curse

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(Molly's POV)

I bring Zelena and myself back to the barn. I walk toward a hay stack in the corner of the barn and I take out my dagger to admire it. 

"What's wrong" Zelena asks


"Then what are you thinking about" she asks sitting down next to me

"I am thinking about how badly I wanted to hurt them, more then I did today"

"What else do you want to do"

"Isn't there another Darkone" I ask

"Yes, there is"

"Where is he"

"He is locked up, they locked him up because he wants to kill Emma" Zelena says

"Where is he locked up" I ask

"In another realm"

"How do we get there" I ask

"A curse, the Dark Curse"

"Then we must cast it" I say putting my dagger away I getting up "What do we need to cast it"

"This" says Zelena holding a small scroll in her hand

I open it and begin to read "I know who I must kill"  I say darkly

"The thing that you love most"

"Yes and that is Joe" I say without second guessing and I disappear in a cloud of smoke leaving my mother sitting there

I appear in Mary-Margret's apartment where they are all sitting including Mr. Gold who once himself was a Darkone. 

"What are you doing here" Regina says

"Here to collect one small thing, about the size of  a small boys fist" I say

"Molly? What happened to you?" asks Joe coming out of the bedroom with sleepy eyes

"I figured out who I really am" I say ripping Joe's heart out of his chest without thinking a second time, he falls to the ground

"What have you done? You can control it, put the heart back in your brothers chest" Emma says getting up

"He isn't my brother" I say

"Yes but you love him"

"And that is why he must die" I say to Emma before disappearing into a cloud of blue

(Henry's POV)

Molly disappears and Mary-Margret runs up to Joe body with tears in her eyes. 

"Why would Molly kill her brother" I ask

"Love is weakness, that is what I thought, but it isn't true; love is power" Regina says

"No, she didn't kill him because 'love is weakness" says Mr. Gold

"Then why is she doing this" I ask

"She is enacting a curse, the Dark Curse"

"No! Not Molly" Emma says

"You may not believe it, but Hook did it, why not Molly" David says

"Molly is just a child" Emma says

"But she also the Darkone" Mr. Gold adds

"Whatever she is doing we must prepare for it, we don't know what this Dark Curse may do" David says

"Let's warn the town before it is too late" Emma says sadly

"I am going to call Belle maybe she can find a loop hole or what this curse may bring" I say getting up to grab my jacket

"Good idea kid. Mary-Margret, David can you tell the town? Mr. Gold go with Henry, and Regina come with me I need to find out where Molly is casting the curse before it happens, maybe we can stop it" Emma says

"Okay but we may be to late" Regina says

"What makes you say that"

"That" Regina says pointing toward the purple smoke bursting out of the old barn where Zelena originally built the time portal.

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