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(Henry's POV)

"Why are we back in the Enchanted Forest" I ask as I get up off the forest floor

"Zelena must have casted the Dark curse" Emma said

"Then she would have had to crush the heart of who she loves the most" Regina says

"Wait... where is Molly" Emma says worried

"The one she loves the most..." I say out loud thinking who it may be

"Oh no... Molly, she crushed Molly's heart" Emma says clasping on the ground

(Molly's POV)

I walk silently through the castle trying not to wake Zelena or to startle Hook who is still sitting at the fire. I have noticed and read in my book that Darkones don't sleep so now is a good time to try to find Excalibur. I creep past Hook without a sound and walk into a room that must of been a ball room.

"Excalibur is close dearie" Rumple says

"Where is it" I ask

"Look around, see anything out of place here"

I look around and I see a faint glow by the wall to my right and then I look closer.

"Yes, there is a glow right there" I say pointing toward the glow

"Yes, correct. It is a glamor spell, now shatter it" he say

I shoot a blue spark at the glow and instantly I could see Excalibur sitting there on a small desk. I walk toward it and I grab Excalibur and teleport back to my room. Once I am there I place it on my bed. And cast a stronger glamor spell on it so it just looks like a part of the sheets.

"What are you waiting for dearie" Rumple asks in my ear

"This doesn't feel right" I say

"What do you mean? You want the power!"

"I want the power" I repeat

"Now go and kill Hook"

I vanish from my room and into the room Hook is in. I am right behind him with Excalibur ready. Hook still has not noticed me. I was about to kill him then I freeze and go back into my room.

"Why didn't you kill him" Rumple asks

"I was going to, then something changed my mind" I say dropping Excalibur on the bed

"And what was that"

"I want to see the look in Emma's eyes when I kill him in front of her" I say smirking

"I thought you wanted Hook to kill Emma"

"No, I just needed to gain his trust. He should know how I think speaking that he is also a Darkone"

"Now that is a brilliant idea, use the Darkone to torture Emma and then kill him and everyone else" repeats Rumple

"Yes, I know it is a brilliant idea, that is why I am doing it. Starting now" I ask

(Henry's POV)

Emma is still crying when there is a rustle in the bushes to the right of me. She stops and jumps to her feet, Regina prepares a fire ball.

"What are you guys doing? Did I do something wrong" says Molly stepping out of the bushes

"Molly" Emma says running toward her tackling her in a bear hug

"Where's my brother" Molly asks when Emma releases her

"We don't know, but we will find him" Emma says reassuringly

"Thank you Emma, for everything" Molly says hugging her

I was the only one who noticed a smirk on Molly's face when she hugged Emma, and I knew something was not right.

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