The Library

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(Molly POV)

What am I saying? Molly I thought you want to give up the darkness.  I do but I can't it tastes to good.  The sun rises and I stand up and I slip my black boots on with my black cloak.  I need to find a way to get this cuff off. Belle walks into my room while I am tying my boots up. 

"Are you ready" Belle asks eying my outfit

"Yeah, I am" I say jumping up

"Why are you dressed as the Darkone again Molly" Belle asks while we are walking quietly threw the dark hallways

"I don't have anymore clothes" I say

"Well after the library we can get some clothes, I have some that were made to small for me, you probably can fit into them" she says looking over at me as we walk

"Really! Thanks Belle" I say hugging her, I really don't want new clothes I like this cloak and my boots

"So what kind of books are you thinking about getting" she asks smiling at me

"I was thinking about getting some action books, and a spell book" I say looking down at my boots trying to hide my smirk

"A sp-sp-spell book" she stutters nervously

"Oh no! Belle not like that, since I have the most powerful light magic after this thing blows over I want to know how to use it" I lie to her

"Well, then ask Emma because straight up spells are usually bad" she says

"Oh really? Ok then I won't go even near that" I say hiding my smirk again

"Good, now here we are" Belle smiles opening the doors to the library

"Wow, this is huge" I say pretending to be amazed with the giant library

"Yeah, well go explore call out if you need me" she says

I smile then once she disappears behind a big stack of books I bolt over to where I know the spell book Rumplestiltskin made is.  The book is old and it had a red heart on it, but when I pick it up the heart goes black.  It must be enchanted to say what color heart the person that is holding the book has.  I hear a shuffle behind me and I hide the book in my cloak and I pick up a book that has a prince battling a dragon on the cover.  I turn around to see Belle walking toward me.

"I found a book" I say waving the book around with picture on the cover

"Good I found a few that you would like as well" she says handing me three more books

"Wow! Thanks, now what shall we do" I ask looking up at her innocent face

"Well now we get you some new clothes" she says smiling her bright smile; disgusting

We walk down the hallways carrying the books with us. Her room is actually quite close to mine, I walk into her room where Mr. Gold is sleeping.  We walk silently pass him and into the closet where there are already a stack of clothes sitting for me. 

"I already sorted some out, do you like them" she asks smiling

"I love them" I lie, the are disgusting they are all so bright and innocent, which I am neither "Thank you so much, I had so much fun, but I got to get going I promised my father I would be waiting for him in my room when he wakes up" I lie again

"Okay, bye Molly" she whispers

"Bye" I say closing the door on my way out.  I walk quickly down the hall and into my room locking the door behind me.  I dump the fiction books on the floor and take a seat on my bed taking out the spell book.  I smirk as I open it up, there has to be something in here to get this cuff off.

"You found the book, I see" Rumple says sitting on the velvet chair

"Yes I did, I just need to find a way to take this cuff off" I say

"Why do you want to get the cuff off dearie" he asks walking over to me

"I want to go back in time" I say skimming threw the pages

"You sound like you mother" he says

I get angry "I am nothing like my mother, my mother was weak, and I will succeed" I say looking at him

"I know, you are the most powerful person of all the realms" he says "But may I ask why"

"Because, in my vision, a curse that is very known today was created by me, not her, but this time I will get it right, because this time Zelena will not be here to stop me" I say

"What curse are you making" he asks

"The Sleeping Curse, but this time you can not be woken up" I say "They wonder why I had the fire dreams? That's because I used them in that curse, to get them out of my head"

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