The biggest reveal

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(Molly's POV)

The night drags on for a long time since there is nothing to do. I don't want to be the Darkone anymore, I want to be out of this cage.

"Why are you fighting it dearie" Rumple asks from the corner

"I don't want to be the Darkone anymore" I say blandly

"Why... why not"

"I don't want to be locked up in here, I want to be free" I say

"What if I told you there was a way out of here" Rumple whispers

"How" I beg

"Remember the storybook you got from Snow"


"That is the key out of here" Rumple says

(Emma's POV)

We all rise early so we can eat before our day starts with Molly.

"So who is going down first" I ask at breakfast

"I will go first, then David, and Gold" Regina says

"Okay, but be caring with her" I plead

"I will, but may I ask why" Regina says

"She will come out better if you are motherly and nice. With me I was nice but not motherly like Emma so she didn't talk to me a lot" Snow says

"I will try" Regina says

"And also she may say cruel things so try to not get mad when she says them" Snow adds

"Okay, I am ready lets get started" says Regina walking to the dungeon door

"Okay just remember be gentle with her" I say

"Okay Emma" she says

"And don't get mad at her, it will just get her mad" I add


"And listen carefully if she gets to her old self again"

"Swan I know what I am doing" Regina finally says before she walks down the stairs

(Molly's POV)

I stand up when I hear feet coming down the stairs... Regina... I look down at my feet again taking deep breaths trying to use all my power to get my old self back even for a minute

"Molly? Are you okay" Regina asks nicely

It didn't work "Of course I am fine! What the hell do you want" I say darkly

"Um... I was wondering if you know who you father is" Regina says I know she is up to something

"No! Of course I don't and I don't care" the Darkone inside me screams, I get enough power to summon myself "Regina, I don't know who my father is. Zelena wouldn't tell me" I whisper

"Well I loved you father very much" Regina says

"Why would I care" I scream

"Because, Molly I didn't want to tell you this, but your father... he is dead"

My old self breaks loose for the longest time yet "No! Regina, did I kill him? Was my father Robin? Please Regina help me! The darkness it is to strong! Ahhh! You need to get this book away from me! I know now why the book lit on fire in my dreams! Ahhhh! Regina please go" I whisper the last part before I pass out cold

(Regina's POV)

Oh my god! What did I just do? I am shocked to see Molly collapse on the floor. I sprint upstairs as fast as I can until I basically run into Emma.

"What's wrong? What happened" Emma asks

"She passed out" I say

"What did you do to her" Emma says harshly getting worried

"I didn't do anything, I just spilled that her father was dead... I didn't tell her it was Robin she figured it out on her own... but she talked normal for almost the whole time... she was in pain... she also said that we need to get the book away from her, out of the cell... she now knows why it was in flames in her dreams" I say

"But how do we get it from her" Snow asks

"She is passed out, and I have squid ink" Mr. Gold says

"Good idea, did she say anything else" Emma asks

"No, but she kept screaming in pain in between words" I say

"She is fighting the darkness" Emma says

"Yes she is" David says smiling

"Do you think she will win" I ask turning toward Gold

"I do not know, but if she does win, she will be the most powerful user of magic" Mr. Gold says

"What could she do with that power" I ask

"I don't know dearie, but possibly be able to do something magic has never done before" he says

"And what is that" Emma asks

"Bring people back from the dead" Gold says

I wish....जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें