The "man" under the cloak

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(Molly's POV)

Zelena poofs us both into a large barn. 

"This is where we start you training" says Zelena

"Thank you, for everything, your the only one who I feel really understands me" I say

"Because I am your mother, and I care about you"

"Then why did you give me up" I ask

"I didn't Regina and Robin did, they sent you across the town line so I couldn't get to you when the banished me to Oz"

"Why were you banished to Oz"

"Because you know Emma, well she was the darkone and I was trying to protect you, and they thought I was trying to kill her, and I wouldn't do that"

I get mad at Regina, Mary-Margret, David, Mr. Gold, Emma, and even Henry.  As I get angrier my hands glow brighter and  brighter.  Then I feel something that I never felt before just pure anger.  And I look up at my mother and say "They must pay"

Zelena's eyes light up "Yes they do my dear, yes they do"

"When can we start my training" I ask

"Right now" says Zelena

(Henry's POV)

"Molly won't turn dark she knows Zelena is evil" I say

"Yes, but Zelena is also her mother, Molly will believe anything she says" Mr. Gold says

I stomach turns "Wait remember her dreams? The man under the cape disappeared in blue smoke, what if it wasn't a man under the cape? What if it was a girl?"

"Then we may be in big trouble kid" says Emma

"We need to prepare the town" David says

"Can't we try to get Molly away from Zelena before she turns dark like her" I ask

"I don't think that is possible" Regina says

"Why not" I ask

"Because of that" Regina says pointing to the massive blue cloud above the barn where Zelena set up the portal

(Molly's POV)

Zelena teaches me many wonderful things including, controlling my powers, and curses.  After I conquer killing a horse by crushing its heart I think about my dreams.

"My.. my dreams" I say looking up at my mother

"What about them" she asks

"The person under that cloak was me" I say

"Because, she did disappear in a cloud of blue smoke and her magic always had an accent of blue"

"I thought the person under the cloak was a man"

"No I just assumed it was, after I found out about the fairy tale thing I thought it was Rumple, but it turns out it was me.  I want to know what the darkone dagger does" I say

"It controls the darkone, after Emma got the darkness out of her they split it into the dagger and sword once again"

"Who is the dark one now" I ask

"See for yourself"

"But I don't have the dagger"

"Use the magic I taught you" Zelena says

I concentrate and the dagger appears in my hand and I look down at the name engraved on it. 

(Authors Note)

Who's name do you think is on the dagger? Comment who you think it is

:) Author

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