Chapter 1- Origins

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Craig's/Mini's POV

I woke up from my dreamless slumber and rubbed the sleep from my eyes. I groaned as a stretched and sat up. I went through my daily routine and made myself a cup of coffee. I really need to get a job. If I don't find one before  my rent is due for my apartment I'm gonna be living in my car... I sunk down into the couch and felt around for the remote to the television. I felt something cold and stiff in between the couch cushions. I grabbed it and brought it to my vision. "Finally..." I grumbled as I turned the TV on. I flipped through the channels, but all of them were the same. "Weird?" I questioned as I continued flipping through the channels, hoping to find at least one that was different from the one I was currently on. After channel surfing and coming up with the same result I gave up and watched whatever this show was. Three men stood in front of a huge, futuristic building. There was a man in military clothing, a man in a white lab coat, and the president. "Hello, I'm Derek and this is Ronald." The man in the military uniform stated while gesturing to the man in the lab coat. "And you all obviously know who I am." The president stated. I took a small sip of my coffee. "We are looking for some volunteers to help us with an experiment that could lead to the evolution of the human race." The man in the lab coat stated. 'Derek' rolled his eyes. "If you volunteer, you will receive a $1,000,000 check. All you have to do is come to (insert address here) and sign a paper, then we will do the rest." Ronald continued. I almost spit out my coffee when he said how mug the check was. If I do this I'll be set for lifetime! The address appeared at the bottom of the screen. I darted from my seat and grabbed and piece of paper and a pen. I sprinted back into the living room and wrote down the address. "We will only accept 14 people maximum so come as soon as possible!" The president informed. Well shit, I better get going then! With that I burst out the door and drove to my destination. I arrived to see that 8 people were already there. Jeez, there's already 8 people here?! I looked around and saw Ronald. "H-Hi, um... Where do I go to sign the papers?" I ask him. He looks at me and smiles. To me it didn't seem like a real smile, but it's probably just me. "Here ya go, and here's a pen, make sure to give it back when you're done."  He says politely. "O-Okay..." I respond as I walk over to a flat surface and signed the paper. I didn't read it, but I did skim through it. Al it really talked about was the evolution of humans and other random ass shit like that. I handed Ronald the paper and his pen. He quickly took them from me and walked away. That wasn't weird at all... I walked around the area a little. I met a few of the 8 people that signed up for the experiment as well. I met Evan, Brock, Brian, and Adam. We talked a little and went our separate ways so we could meet the others. I decided to just wait and meet the rest of them later and sat down underneath a tree. I looked around at the parking lot, watching for cars until I heard an unfamiliar voice. "H-Hi!" A man said. I looked up to see an extremely attractive guy wearing jeans and I t-shirt with a black and white tiger on the front. He held his hand out to me. I gladly took it and pulled myself up. Me being my clumsy self stumbled and almost fell. The man caught me before I could hit the ground. "T-Thanks..." I stuttered. "Hehe, no problem!" The man said happily. "So what's your name?" The man asked as he reached to rest his hand on the tree, but ended up falling on top of me, bringing us both to the ground. He was planted firmly on top of me. We just stayed there, it was almost like we both forgot the situation we were in. Our eyes were locked together until the man finally snapped out of his daze causing me to snap out of mine making us both blush. "I am so, so sorry!" The man apologized. I couldn't help but to giggle. "I'm Craig." I stated. "Oh um... That's a nice name, uh. I'm Tyler!" Tyler said. "Same." I chuckled. We both stood up and stayed there until we both heard a whistle. We both turned in the direction of the noise. "Shut the fuck up, Anthony!" Tyler shouted at the male that was standing about 10 feet away from us. Anthony threw his hands up in surrender. He laughed which made me giggle again. The man walked over to us and smiled. "Hiya bud. I'm Anthony, what's your name?" Anthony asked with his hand extended to me. "Craig." I said simply while shaking his hand. We chatted a little as cars came filing in one by one until there was 14 people in total. We're all guys? Well, at least we don't have to feel as awkward since there isn't any girls around... Ronald and Derek lined us all up as a man from News 15 adjusted a big, fancy-looking camera. By big, I mean REALLY big. This thing was taller than all of us and probably weight 50 tons at the least! Ronald, Derek, and the president stood in front of all of us. "Going live in 3, 2, 1!" The camera man shouted. "Hello again! We won't be taking any more volunteers." Derek informed whoever was watching. "These are our lucky group of people!" The president stated as he introduced us all to the camera. First he walked up to Evan and stood next to him. "This is Evan." He moved to a man in a blue jacket. "Jonathan."  He moved over to Brock. "Brock." He moved on to me. "Craig." Then Tyler. "Tyler." Then a man in a red t-shirt with a Viking helmet on it. "Steven." He moved down to Anthony. "Anthony." He moved down to a man with a Terminator shirt. "Brian." He moved on to Adam. "Adam." He then moved on to a man with a cat on his shirt. "Cody." He said as he moved on to the next person. "Luke." He said as he moved on to a man that appeared Mexican. "Arlan." He then moved to a man with dark hair and a goatee. "David." Then he moved to a man chewing in a cigar. "Lui." Then he reached the last man. "Last but not least, Max." He finished. "Thank you all for participating and we will keep you all updated on our tests! Again, thank you all..." The president ended.

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