Chapter 15- The Ex-Scientist

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Tyler's/Wildcat's POV (Same day)

I walked into an alley and pulled a wrinkled piece of paper from my pocket. I dialed the number that was written on the small sheet into my phone. "C'mon... Pick up." I begged. I swear if this guy doesn't pick the fuck up I'm gonna kill him. "Hello?" A familiar voice answered. "H-Hey, uh, I'm one of the volunteers that showed up at gamestop the other day. You told me to call if the government got suspicious..." I stuttered as I scratched the back of my neck. "Oh! You called just in time! I just checked myself out of work. Where are you?" He asked. I peered out from the alley way and looked for a store and a street name. I spotted a sign and the police department. "Um, I'm at the police department on (insert street name here)." I informed him. I hope this isn't a bad idea, but I'll do anything to keep Craig safe. "Fuck! Okay uh, it may take a while. I left my car back at home since I live close to the mall so it may take me a while to get there. Just be patient, okay?" Scott stated. Dammit! Of all the things! Patience is my worst quality! I can't be patient to save my own life! I dont know about Craig's though... Fuck it! I'll find something to do! I doubt the cops at the police department will mind if I chill out with them until Sark gets here. "Okay, I'll be in the police department." I told him. "Alright, see ya in a bit." "See ya." I ended the call and groaned. This is gonna be a long fucking wait. I made my way out of the alley way, across the street, and I to the police department. I walked in to see that everyone was busy doing their own thing. I sighed as I sat down on one of the benches in the waiting area. I sat there for what seemed like forever until a man sat down next to me. "Hey buddy, whatcha doin here?" He questioned. I looked around to see if he was talking to someone else, but sure enough he was talking to me. "Oh, uh, I'm waiting on someone." I stated. He giggled. "Who ya waitin on?" He questioned. "I don't even know... I only know his name and his face. We just met a few days ago." I told him. "Well then why are you meeting him?" The man questioned. This guy loves asking questions, doesn't he... At least it gives me something to do. "Business stuff." I stated. I can't tell him the full truth or he'll probably arrest mr or some shit like that if he even believes me. "Well I'm Ryan, but my cop buddies call me Ohm." He said. "Ohm?" I questioned. That's such a strange nickname. "Oh, it's the standard unit of resistance offered to current flow by a conductor, used in electricity calculations." He informed me. (Thank you Urban Dictionary!) I gave him a confused expression. "It's a long story." He commented. I was about to ask him about it when someone burst through the doors. "Scott?" I questioned. He was sweaty and panting like crazy. He looked over to me and his eyes lit up. "H-Hey! I'm sorry it took so long! A giant ass fucking dog chased me across the whole damn town!" He stated in between long, ragged breaths. I chuckled and looked over to Ryan to tell him bye. His eyes were locked onto Sark. When I looked back to Scott I saw that he was staring back. They both looked as if they were in a trance. "Well, it was fun Ryan, but the guy I was talking about is here. Bye." I said while getting up, hoping to snap them out of their daze. It was successful. "U-Um, hold on. Your friend looks tired. How about I drive you two to wherever you need to go." Ohm stuttered. Before I could answer Sark did. "Y-Yeah! That would be nice." Scott replied. Me and Scott never even discussed where we were gonna talk about the government. "Well then follow me." Ohm ordered. We both followed him to his cop car. We all got in and buckled up. I sat in the back while Sark sat in the passenger seat. Scott and Sark introduced themselves and talked while I sat in the back and listened the entire trip. Me and Scott decided to go to the park since it's cold outside and no one really wants to go to the park in the cold. Once we arrived Ohm slipped a small piece of paper as well as a small, unfamiliar object in Scott's jacket pocket. Scott didn't even notice. Once Ryan drove off, me and Scott got to business. "Okay, I was walking in the halls of the building when I overheard Ronald talking to someone about the real tests after we all gain our powers." I explained. Sark rubbed his imaginary beard in thought. "The field tests! Oh shit... How many of you have your powers?" He questioned. "Well, there's David, Anthony, Craig, Evan, Jonathan, Adam, and I before I called you a got a call from Craig telling me that Steven got his today." I informed him. "Okay, and what are their powers?" He asked me. "Um, Craig shrinks, David has super strength, Anthony is telepathic and has a counterpart, Evan can fly, Jonathan controls water, Adam controls nature, and Craig said that Steven can read minds." I told him. "Okay... I need you to call me every day and tell me who gets their powers and what they are." Sark stated. "How did you know someone gets their power each day?" I questioned. I never even told him about that. "Remember, I used to work there. I was a scientist. I'm the one that created the formula that turned you guys into who you are. I'm the only one that knows what powers you guys are gonna get." He said. "Wait, what?! What powers are the rest of us gonna get?!" I asked him. "Well, since telepathy, flight, water, nature, size, strength, and mind reading is already taken... That leaves fire, speed, voice, radioactivity, invisibility, electricity, teleportation, animals, and instant healing." He said. (Can you guess who is gonna get what? Hint: Some of them relate to their YouTube name, but some of them are random) "Do you know who is gonna get what?" I asked. "No, but if I was the one to give you my formula I would." He stated. Well shit... "Okay, I better go. I'll call you tomorrow, and Ryan slipped a piece of paper in your jacket pocket by the way." I said as I ran off. I eventually got to the lab and jogged back to our room.

Scott's/Sark's POV

Once Tyler told me that I immediately searched my pockets for what Ohm put in my pocket. I found a note and a small, metal object. First, I looked at the note. It read:

Dear Scott,

I like you. You're cute. I don't know I you're gay or not, but I still want to meet up with you. Here's my number (Insert number here). You should call me later tonight so we can talk some more. You're really cool and I love your laugh. I also want to apologize for eavesdropping on your conversation with Tyler. When Tyler was telling me that he was meeting with you for 'business stuff' I got curious. Well, I'll hopefully talk to you later.

Sincerely, Ryan

My eyes widened. He heard us. I examine the metal object and realized it was a microphone. So he can here me right now. "Dammit Ryan. I like you too, but you can't tell anyone about this. If you tell a single soul it will endanger all of our lives." I said in the microphone. I sighed and made my way back to the police department to find Ryan and explain the situation further.

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