Chapter 7- Jonathan

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Evan's/Night Owl's/Vanoss' POV :3  (Each chapter I going to be a new day unless I say otherwise btw)

"Evan!" A voice called. I hesitantly woke up and groaned. "What?" I questioned lazily as I opened my eyes. When I opened them I noticed something... I was abnormally close to the ceiling. My eyes widened as I began to look around frantically. "What the fuck?!" I shouted. I flailed my arms around in search for the ground which obviously wasn't anywhere near me. "C-Calm down. I'm gonna help you down, but you're going to have to trust me." The voice which I have now placed as Jonathan explained to me. "O-Okay." I stuttered. "Try to turn and face the ground so it'll be easier for me to grab your hand." He ordered. I did as he said and flipped myself around. Once I was fully turned I realized that me and Jonathan were the only people in the room. He jumped up to grab my hand, but missed completely. "Shit! You're too high up... Hold on." He stated as he jumped into my bed and jumped for my hand again. He managed to reach me and we both grasped each other's hands tightly. The only problem is... I'm not sinking down, instead  I'm going higher. "Oh shit." I mumbled as my back hit the ceiling. "Hold on tight! Whatever you do, do not let go!" I demanded as I looked down at him. Jon was trembling in fear. Wait! If I turn and pull him onto my chest it will be easier to keep him from falling. "I have an idea!" I exclaimed. "W-Well hurry up and do it cause I'm slipping!" He stated. He was right... Our hands are slowly but surely slipping. It didn't take that much strength to pull him up. Like rested him on my chest and both of our faces turned different shades of pink. Maybe I didn't think this through... I tried to look anywhere but at him, but my eyes eventually met his. I tried as hard as I could to break our gaze, but there was no use. I couldn't leave his beautiful, bright blue eyes. I never noticed how adorable he looked until now... Every part of me just wanted to kiss him right then and there, but my mind refused until he began to lean forward and close his eyes. I did the same until our lips met. I felt sparks fly as I deepened the kiss. He wrrapped his arms around my neck as I wrapped mine around his waist. I didn't realize that I was slowly floating down until my back hit the soft mattress. We broke our kiss for air and looked into each other's eyes again. We both panted as our cheeks grew hotter. I giggled and Jon did the same. His laugh is just as cute as he is. "You kissed back?" He questioned as he placed his forehead onto mine. "Yeah, I did didn't I." I said with a chuckle. He smiled and we kissed again except this one wasn't as long. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Someone at the end of the room cheered. We both turned to see David fist pumping the air. Me and Jonathan blushed and he quickly jumped off of me. I smiled. "It's not what it looks like!" Jonathan shouted playfully. "It's exactly what it looks like!" I countered with a hardy laugh. I then jumped onto Jonathan and pecked his cheeks. He smirked and got up. "Catch me if you can!" He yelled as he past David and out the door. "Hey, get backed here! I'm not done yet!" I called to him as I darted after him. Before I knew it my legs weren't touching the ground but I was still moving. I grinned as I quickened my pace. I'm kinda getting used to this. I laughed as I began to catch up to Jon. He ran into a room and I followed close behind. Just as he ran through the door I caught him and lifted him from the ground. He squealed as I rose higher above the ground. "Help!" He screamed playfully. "No one can help you now!" I stated with a giggle. I heard a choir of laughter and realized that all of the guys, other than David of course, were in the room. "Ahhhh! Put me down!" He demanded. "Okay!" I said as I dropped him. He screamed as he fell. Before he could hit the ground I swooped down and picked him up again. "Don't put me down! Don't put me down!" He screeched which earned another symphony of laughter. Soon enough I carefully set him on the ground. "You're a dick!" He giggled. "Why thank you for noticing." I responded. "Oh, if you haven't already noticed... I can fly." I stated. "Wah?! I don't notice." Craig said with a sarcastic tone. I chuckled and we all went on with our normal day of testing and health inspections. 

(Our first ship has sailed!!! Eeeekkk! You guys have no idea how badly I want them all to fall in love right now, but I want this to be a good book so I'm gonna be nice and give them some time <3)

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