Chapter 18- Electricity

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Arlan's/Droidd's POV

I wonder what Marcel thinks of me? I mean, out of all the guys, I feel a little closer to him. He's a really cool person and I think he's funny. Does he think I'm funny? Does he think I'm a good person? Well, I doubt he'd hang out with me if he didn't think I was a good friend... I shouldn't think about it. I sighed as I sat up from my bed. I walked over to the door and opened it. Before I could walk out, a figure jumped in front of my face. "Boo!!!" The man screamed. I squealed and dropped to the floor. I was cut off mid scream by a loud click. All of the power in the building completely shut off. "A-Arlan! Arlan, your eyes!" The man that has been revealed as Marcel exclaimed, pointing at my face. "What do you mean?" I questioned as I got up. "Dammit Marcel, you made me hurt my ass." I joked, rubbing the spot where I landed. "Forget about your ass, what happened to your eyes?!" He yelled. "What's wrong with them?" I asked. "They're glowing... Electric blue." He stated. I raised an eyebrow, which Marcel probably didn't see. "My eyes aren't blue?" I questioned. "Well they are now!" He shouted, still shocked. "What happened? Why'd all the lights go out?" Tyler screamed in the distance. Why did the lights go out? Did someone cut the power off? Two sets of footsteps started getting closer. Before me and Marcel knew it, Craig and Tyler entered the room. "Hiya gu- AHHHHH!!!" Tyler started as he well to the ground in fear. Craig laughed his ass off while Marcel me a knowing glance. "What's wrong, Tyler?" Craig asked, yanking Tyler off the ground. He was speechless. Craig groaned and turned to us. When he saw me, his eyes widened. "A-Arlan? Why are your eyes blue?" He gapped. "I don't know!!! They were perfectly fine until the lights when out!" I shouted. "Hey! What's going on in here!" Ronald said out of nowhere. Since when was he here?! I guess he just walked in. He looked around at all of is for an answer until his eyes landed on me. "Oh, I see. Arlan, come with me." He ordered. I sighed and waved at the guys before following him. "Looks like you got your I handed abilities." Ronald stated as we entered an elevator. He pressed a button causing us to go down until we were under the lab and in the basement. He led me to a large generator. He opened it up, revealing a series of different colored wires. He pulled two of them out and held them out to me. "Hold one in each hand." He commanded. "Won't it electrocute me?" I questioned. "Just trust me." He insisted. I sighed and reluctantly grabbed both of the wires. I gasped as I felt a sudden surge of energy rush throughout my whole body. This feels... Great! I feel like I can do anything. I began to chuckle. "Flex." He ordered. "W-Wait... What?" I questioned. "Like I said, trust me." He stated. I shrugged and flexed. As soon as I did, all of the power in the lab turned on. "Thank you, Arlan." He said as he took the wires from me. Aww, why'd he have to take them. I liked holding those... "Follow me." He ordered. Dammit, where is he taking me this time. I groaned and followed him back in the elevator. He took me back to the floor the bedroom is on. "Go on, you are free to go." Ronald stated. I didn't question him, instead I ran back to Marcel. Hopefully the guys have already left, I like being alone with him. I don't know what it is about him, he just makes me happy. It's a similar feeling to the one I had when I was holding those wires. Adrenaline, happiness, and excitement. It's like a whole new world. (That's for all of you Aladdin fans <3)  I walked in the room to see Marcel sitting on my bed... Alone. I smiled against my own will. He hasn't noticed me yet... I got a good look at him from behind, as creepy as that may sound. I took I every feature. I don't see the same Marcel I saw before I left. I see an extremely good looking man. He turned and smiled when he saw me. Once I saw his face, I was left breathless. Why didn't I notice this sooner?! He's a fucking hunk! Damn. "Arlan? Arlan?! You okay?" He asked, snapping me back into reality. "O-Oh, sorry. I... I was just taken off guard." I stuttered. It's true. Marcel's looks left me in a daze. "Dude, your cheeks are red. Are you sure you're okay?" He asked, worry lacing his every word. "W-What?!" I exclaimed as I brought a hand to my cheek. My face is burning up! Jeez, is it actually that bad. I can only imagine what my face looks like! Marcel stood up and walked over to me. Our faces were inches apart and our noses lightly brushed across one another's. Marcel rested his hand on the hand that was holding my cheek. He grabbed it and held it firmly. He brought his other hand and put it on my left cheek. He closed his eyes and pecked my lips. My face grew hotter as my heart began to race. At this point I feel like it's going to burst. He opened his eyes and changed from soft to panicked. "Holy shit, Arlan! I'm so, so, so sorry!" He apologized as he let got of me and teleported to the door way. As he was running out, I darted after him and tackled him to the floor. "Marcel, it's okay!" I soothed while turning him to face me. "Bu-" He tried to say, but I pulled him into a kiss before he could say anything. He eased and kissed back. He smiled and flipped us around so he could be on top. We didn't break the kiss until we couldn't breath anymore. He pressed his forehead against mine. "I love you." He whispered. "I love you too." I whispered back.

(I finally got the time to update! Yay!)

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