Chapter 22- Invisible

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Brian's/Terrorizer's POV (Day of Mini's dream)
I slipped my hands in my pockets as I walked along the sidewalk in search of Craig and Tyler, thinking about Brock and I. Brock always seemed so calm and collected, but when me and him were on the top of that mountain... That lustful look in his eyes still give me shivers, but in a good way. I would've never thought someone like him would do that, not that it's bad or anything! It's was just a little... Surprising. Well, a lot surprising. Nonetheless, I'm EXTREMELY thankful that Brock and I are together! I could have never dreamed of having a guy like him as my own! It's amazing. As I'm day dreaming about Brock, I find myself in front of an antique mirror ship and trip over my shoestring making me fall flat on my face. I heard a flew bits of laughter, which brought a tint of pink to my face. "Did you see that fucking guy just faceplant" "Dude, that fuckwod just zoned out" "What a fucking idiot" The people around me whispered, making my pink tint turn crimson. I try to stand up, but I step on my shoestring again, earning more laughter. Dammit, I wish I could just..... disappear. "Woah, did you just see that" "That man on the ground just vanished" "What the actual fuck" The people exclaimed as they ran away from the place wear I had fallen. Huh, what do they mean? I look around and end up looking into one of the mirrors from the shop. Once I look in the mirror, I see something unbelievable... I see nothing. What?! Is this my.... Power?! Holy shit! How do I fix this?! I need to get back to the lab!
~~Magical TimeSkip of Happiness to the lab~~
As I'm running through the halls, I bump into someone. "Ouch! What the fuck" Brock questioned to himself while holding his head in pain. "Brock! You've got to help me! I go my power today and I don't know how to use it" I explained to a confused Brock. "Brian? Where are you" He asked, looking around. "I'm right here! I'm invisible!" I exclaimed with urgency. "Oh! Well shit. Hold on! I'll go get the doctors! Just, uh, stay put. I'll need to know where you are" Brock said before running in the direction I was just heading. I sighed and waited for Brock's return. After a few moments, I could here the sound of several footsteps approaching me. That's when I see Brock, Ronald, and two other men turn the corner. "He's somewhere around here!" Brock said as he ran straight for me. "Brock, wait!" I yelled, but it was too late. He hit me, sending both if us tumbling to the ground, he being I top of me. I blushed but didn't move. The doctors pulled him off of me and felt around for me, finding me very quickly. They pulled me up without removing their death grip on me. Ronald smiles and gots something down in his notebook. "Ronald! What do I do? I don't know how to become visible again" I explained with worry. All he did was smile. "Your invisibility will ware off an hour after being used, so you should become visible again soon" Ronald assured me, walking away with the two other men. I look over to Brock whom was still shocked. I took this opening to admire his face. He looks so adorable when he's taken off guard... I love it. Thankfully he doesn't know I'm staring... This power could come in handy of I ever want to take a few sneak peeks at him! Hehe, that's sounds extremely creepy.
(Sorry it's short, but I'm really tired. I walked 22 miles, 14 of them in one day without any breaks, so I'm VERY exhausted. I also want to give a recap on the guys and their powers, so here ya go!)

-MiniLadd: Shrinks
-ChilledChaos: Telekinesis with an alter ego named Chaos
-VanossGaming: Flies
-H2ODelirious: Controls water
-SeaNanners: Controls plants
-DaithiDeNogla: Super strength
-ZeRoyalViking: Reads minds
-BasicallyIDoWrk: Teleportation
-SilentDroidd: Controls electricity
-I_AM_WILDCAT: Controls fire
-RacingCatz: Super speed
-TheGamingTerrorizer: Invisibility
That leaves Radioactivity, Animals, Instant Healing, and Voice for Brock, Max, Lui, and Luke! Who's going to get what?!

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