Chapter 14- Anthony's Mind

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Steven's/Ze's POV (Sorry you guys haven't heard from Mini and Tyler recently! I'm trying to get all of the ships in as well as all of their powers so just wait a little bit longer! <3 :3 :P)

I can't believe David has super strength! That's so cool! I wonder why I'm gonna get! This is like a weird, romance, sy-fy movie. Evan and Jonathan are together as well as Craig and Tyler. Craig shrinks, Evan flies, Jonathan controls water, David has super strength, Adam controls plants, and Anthony... I frowned at the thought of what he had to go through. I sighed. This is a pretty twisted movie..... Making one of the characters, especially Anthony, go through that. Anthony is kind, sweet, adorable, funny... He is the most amazing person I've ever met. "The worst things happen to the best people..." I muttered. "What?" A familiar voice questioned. "O-Oh. Hya Anthony!" I exclaimed happily. I didn't expect him to creep up on me like that. He's pretty sneaky. "The best things happen to the worst people?" He copied me in a questioning tone. No! He heard me! "Oh uhhh, don't worry about it. I was just thinking." I said, hoping to save myself from the situation I've gotten myself into. (Okay guys, this is about to get complicated...  Since it's going to be extremely hard to do this any other way I need you to bare with me. A stands for Anthony's thoughts as Bad A stands for Bad Anthony's thoughts. I'll separate Ze's thoughts by using ordinary text. I am extremely sorry for any confusion!) He gave me a blank expression when I felt an extremely sharp pain in my head. I winced but Anthony didn't notice.

A- What's up with Steven?

Bad A- I don't fucking know, why don't you ask him love bird.

A- Shut the fuck up asshole!

Bad A- Well it's pretty obvious.

What the actual fuck? I shook my head, trying to get these voices out of my head. They sound like Anthony and his evil side. 

"H-Hey bud, you feelin' okay?" He questioned. "Y-Yeah, I just feel a little light headed..." I mumbled. It's not a complete lie at least. I do feel light headed, but not enough to worry me. I can hardly notice it.

A- As much as I like him, I think he's lying.

Bad A- No shit Sherlock.

A- Hey, you aren't in this!

Bad A- I'm involved just as much as you are. I am you. The only thing different about us is the fact that you are good and I'm bad.

A- Wait... So you love Steven too?

Love me?! Does Anthony actually love me?! My eyes widened. Pft, I'm still living in that movie I was thinking about earlier...

Bad A- Yep, and our friend looks like he's seen a ghost so you better start talking.

A- Fuck off, he's mine! 

Woah, what?! What is this? Can I read their thoughts? Well, maybe if I mention it he'll explain.

Bad A- You're wasting time.

A- Ugh, whatever.

"Are you sure you're okay?"  He asked. "Yeah, but did you say that I'm yours?" I questioned him with a smirk. He stiffened. 

A- Did I say that out loud?!

Bad A- No... I would've known if you said it aloud. How can he hear you?

"I can hear both of you." I stated. I guess this isn't a movie. Now I just have to hope it's not a dream. 

Bad A- The fuck?!

A- How?! Hold on a second!

"What number am I thinking of?" He asked me. 

A- 56

Bad A- 891

"56 and 891." I said. Anthony went pale. "S-So you know what both me and the other me are thinking of?" He asked carefully. 

Bad A- I have a fucking name ya know!

A- What is it then?!

Bad A- I'm called Chaos

"Chaos? That's a strange name." I stated. Anthony tensed. "So you can hear our thoughts." He asked again. I nodded with an evil grin.

A- Does that mean... 

"Did you hear me and Chaos' conversation?" He questioned with fear. I blushed at the thought causing him to blush. "Yep." I said simply. He scratched the back of his head. "S-So you know..." He said. I looked over to see his eyes watering. 

A- Dammit! Now he's going to think in a freak! He'll never want to talk to me again!

Bad A- Wow, you're optimistic.

A- Shut the fuck up! I don't want to deal with you right now!

Bad A- Hey, chill, this is effecting me just as much as it's effecting you.

A- Just go away! You aren't helping.

"Calm down, it's okay." I soothed as I pulled him into a hug. I wrapped my arms around his neck and put my forehead on his chest. He jumped in shock, but hugged back. "I love you too." I said as I looked up at Anthony. That's when the dam broke. Tears streamed down his face as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer to him, bringing me into a kiss. Please, don't let this be a dream.

A- Yes! Fuck yes! He likes me back! Yes!

Bad A- I know, I know, calm the fuck down.

A- I can't! I'm too happy!

I smiled in the kiss. Awww, I made him happy. We parted, but didn't move an inch. He place his forehead on my own and looked at me.

"So... Does this mean we're a thing?" I questioned.

A- Fuck yes!

I giggled and brought him into another kiss.

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