Chapter 20- The Underground

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Craig's/Mini's POV
~~~Craig's Dream~~~
Oh, fuck. I feel like someone bashed my head in with a fucking boulder... I looked around my surroundings and noticed I was standing on nothingness. I'm in a pitch black void. I attempted to speak, but nothing came out. I couldn't even move my mouth. Tyler... Where's Tyler?! He was with me, wasn't he? I honestly don't remember anything before I showed up here. I remember bits and pieces. My memory only appears in pictures, but Tyler is in every single one of them. The tree, the lab, the room, the mistletoe, the streets... The gun. Tears well up in my eyes as I fell to my knees. Tyler. I need to get to Tyler. I need Tyler! I tried as hard as I could to call for him, but even at my loudest I could only make a forced, quivering whisper. As I was about to break down, I saw a bright light in the distance. What is that? My curiosity overthrew me, so I decided to walk towards it. I know the whole 'don't walk towards the light' thing, but it's like it's calling me. "Craig," a voice echoed,"Come." Okay, now it's literally calling me. I obeyed and walked into the light. My surroundings changed and I appeared in a large, dirty room. I saw a group of men, all smiling at me. "It worked, gentlemen. We've made contact." The man in the middle stated. Contact? What are these people talking about? "Since we already know who you are, I think it would only be fair if you knew our names as well. I'm Anthony (BigJigglyPanda) and my colleagues names are Cody (RacingCatz) , Smitty (Smii7y), Scotty (fourzeroseven), Galm (GaLmHD), John (Smarty), Aaron (UncleSlam), and last but not least, Hutch (self explanatory :3). We are here to save you and your friends." The man stated. Save us? From what? "What are you saving us from?" I asked, somehow being able to speak now. "The government. They plan on using you guys to destroy the enemy country. They've been trying to save their nuclear weapons (this is actually a thing irl) so they decided to give volunteers special abilities so they wouldn't need to waste any of the nuclear power." Galm explained. Nuclear weapons? Is that what this is all about?! I huffed when a question popped in my mind. "That's fine and dandy in all, but where the hell are we?" I questioned while waving a gesturing hand in the air. "We call it the Underground. It's our secret laboratory as well as our home. Here, we save the lives of people that can't be saved by an everyday police officer. I will leave a specific location implanted in your head. Once you receive it, I need you to gather up all of your friends and go there. We will guide you the rest of the way. Don't tell anyone other than your friends the place. Good luck." The man explained as my surrounding began to fade away. "Wait!" I exclaimed, but it was too late.
~~~End of Dream~~~
I jerked my head up, sweat beading down my face. What the hell?! What was that?! I looked around to see that I was sitting in a chair next to a bed. I looked at the bed to see Tyler's worried face. "Morning sleeping beauty, you okay? You look like you just ran eight marathons in one day." He joked, but remained serious. Just as he said that something popped into my head. The old movie theatre. The old movie theatre. The old movie theatre. I need to go to the old movie theatre! Tyler snapped his fingers in front of my face. I jumped in surprise an looked over at him. "Nightmare?" He asked. "No... Directions." I stated, looking him dead in the eye.

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