Chapter 16- The Hiking Trip

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Brian's/Terrorizer's POV  (Same Day)

Ugh, I don't know what I want to do! Winter can be a bitch sometimes! Maybe I'll take a walk... Nah. Shopping? Nah. Well, maybe a hike... It may be a bit hard to enjoy the wildlife, but I bet I can get an amazing view of the city if I can manage to climb up a mountain. I'd rather not go alone though... Who would I bring? Brock! Well, maybe not... I always feel weird when I'm around him. Well, 'weird' isn't the best way to explain it... When I'm around him I get a bubbly, nervous, prickly feeling in my chest... Maybe it'll go away if I spend more time with him. Yeah, but I have to find a good place to hike... I'll also need to buy some hiking clothes and supplies for both me and Brock if he even decides to go with me. Maybe Brock will know of a place to go as well as a place to buy some tools and clothes. With that, I ran off to look for Brock. I eventually found him in the bedroom leaning against the wall. "Hey Brock!" I called. He turned hi head and smiled. "Hi Brian!" He said cheerfully. I got that strange feeling in my chest when he said my name. "W-Well, I'm going hiking, a-and I was wondering... If you wanted to go with me." I stuttered. "Sure, bud! Where are we going?"  He questioned. "Well uh, I was wondering if you knew of any places we could go." I stated while scratching the back of my head.  He giggled which made my heart pound. Why, though? Why would that make my heart race? "Yeah, I know of a huge, secluded mountain near my house, but we'll need to stop by Dick's Sporting Goods and gets some clothes and tools if we want to climb it." He said. "Alright, let's go!" I yelled with excitement. He smiled.

~~~~~~Time Skip brought to you by Harry Potter~~~~~~

We left the store with plenty of food, water, tools, and clothes for our little climbing expedition. Now all we have to do is get to the mountain and climb. We brought some extra supplies like rock climbing kits and harnesses just in case we run into anything that requires that type if stuff. In other words, rocks. We also brought a blanket in case we want to have a picnic or something like that when we get to the top.There was a skinny, worn out bike trail at the bottom of the mountain, so it wasn't that hard to get up the first section of the mountain. After around an hour of walking we decided to take a small break. "Can you pass me a water?" Brock asked, beads of sweat rolling down his face "yeah, here ya go." I said as I handed him a water bottle from my bag. I carried the food, water, and blanket in my bag while he carried the tools in his bag. "Thanks." I said while opening the bottle. He took a long, greedy sip and sighed when he finished. He tossed the half-empty (or half- full... Whatever you guys prefer) bottle of water to me. I caught it and dropped it in my bag and grabbed a bottle of my own. "Having fun?" He asked playfully. I chuckled. "Fun my ass, this is hard!" I exclaimed with another chuckle. He laughed which caused that feeling in my chest to come back. I though that stupid thing went away by now! What the hell?! We continued up the mountain until the bike trail ended. "Well, shit." I stated while staring into the woods. "This is where it gets hard." Brock said while stepping over a tree branch and into the forest. I followed close behind him. We walked for another hour or so until we needed to take another break. I handed Brock his water and grabbed my own. We sat down on a tree stump and drank the rest of our waters. "What do we do with our bottles?" Brock questioned, waving his empty bottle in the air. "Hand it to me. I'll stuff them in my bag so we for turn into litter bugs." I ordered playfully. He laughed and handed me his empty water bottle. I grabbed it and put it in my bag next to mine. With that, we continued walking. "How long is it going to take to get to the top?" I questioned. "It depends on how many breaks we take, either way we won't get up there until dark." He stated while stepping over a fallen tree. I did the same, but my foot got caught on the end and I fell. Instead of landing on the ground, I landed in Brock's arms. He caught me? How?! "U-Uh, sorry!" I apologized while getting my balance. The feeling I my chest came back, but these time it was much stronger. My heart was beating like crazy and my face was heating up. I looked down and continued walking. After a while we came upon a steep rock wall.@ "Fuck." I said simpy causing Brock to giggle. My heart beat sped up. Why?! Every fucking time! "So how are we getting up?" I questioned. Brock grinned and tossed his bag to the ground. He pulled out the harnesses and the rock climbing kit. He tossed me one of the harnesses, keeping one for himself. While he was setting up the kit, I put my harness on. This thing is uncomfortable as shit! How the fuck can people stand these. When Brock was done he turned to me and cackled. "W-What?!" I asked while looking at myself from head to toe. "Your wearing it backwards!" He said in between laughs. "No wonder it's so uncomfortable! That explains a lot!" I said while I unstrapped myself from the harness. "Here, let me help." He said as he got up and helped me put it on the right way. I blushed as he strapped me in. "T-Thanks." I stuttered nervously. "Your welcome." He said while grabbing a chain-like rope with a grapple on the end. He flung the grapple to the top of the cliff of rocks. It took a few times, but he managed to hook the grapple to a tree that at at the top of the wall of rocks. He grabbe some rope and tied our harnesses together. He tied the straps of our bags to the end of the chain-like rope so we wouldn't have to carry them up. He had this weird  hook thing that made sure that if his hands slipped it would catch him and make sure we both don't fall. (I forgot what it was alled, but you have to attach it to your harness so whenever you hook it to whatever you're using to climb whatever you're climbing, if you slip it will catch you. If you have a partner it's a good idea for you to tie your harnesses together and the person that's going to be climbing in the front to have the hook thing so it will save money and keep both of you from falling) We made our way to the top and pulled our supplies up with us. "Damn, that's harder than it looks." I panted. "Yeah." Brock giggled. "The top isn't much farther." Brock stated. "Yes! Finally!" I cheered. Brock giggled again as we walked up the mountain. After a while we made it to the top I the mountain. Surprisingly, the top was a big clearing which made it a lot easier to look at the view. The best part is that it's night time now and all of the city lights are on and all of the stars were out. I pulled out the blanket from my bag and spread it across the ground. Me and Brock sat down and had ourselves a short picnic since all we brought was a two sodas and a couple small bags of chips. I walked over to the edge and pulled my phone out. I'm going to make this my new lockscreen for my phone. I then turned so my back was facing the city and lifted my phone up to take a picture. "Whatcha doin'?" Brock asked while walking up to me. "Takin' a pic for my new lock screen. Wanna be in it?" I questioned him with a smile. "Sure!" He said while standing next to me. We took a few photos. Some with goofy faces and others with strange poses. We laughed and joked around until Brock took out his phone. "Can I take one?" Brock asked. "Sure, how do you want to take it?" I questioned with a smile. "Turn your head to face me." He told me. This confused me, but I did as he said. I turned to face him and grew hot. He giggled. It took everything I had to not lean in and kiss him. I don't know why I'm acting this way. This is the first time this has ever happened to me. Yeah, I've dated my fair share of girls, but I've never felt like this around them let alone around a guy! "Close your eyes." He said. "W-What?" I questioned with an eyebrow raised. "Just do it." He told me. ( I love all of you, but if I see a single Shia LaBeouf comment I will slit your throat <3 Luv Ya!)  I sighed and closed my eyes. "Say cheese!" He joked. I giggled. "Che-" I started, but was cut off by a pair of lips on mine. I opened my eyes to see Brock... He's kissing me! I didn't know what to do, so I just closed my eyes and kissed back. He smiled in the kiss and took the picture. He slipped the phone back in his pocket and wrapped his arms around my waist, in return I wrapped mine around his neck. It started out slow and passionate, but quickly turned rough and sloppy. Brock pinned my against the closest tree and let his hands travel my body until his phone rang. He brought my hands above my head and used one of his hands to hold them there while he answered the phone with his other hand. "Hello?" He asked into the phone. My whole body was shaking. Damn, taking things slowly I see. Nah, we're getting straight to the good shit. Jeez. My whole body felt warm and I would bet money that my face is blood red. "Yeah, Brian is here to." He said. I shuddered when he said my name earning myself a cocky smirk from Brock. I can't here the person on the other end, so I can only guess what the other person is saying from Brock's replies. "Oh, we're just having a little fun." He said in a lower, more gruff tone. "Fine, we're coming." He said while hanging up. "We'll continue this another time." He whispered into my neck. I shook as he released my wrists. "O-Okay!" I stuttered, embarrassed although it's just me and Brock here. We made our way back to the lab in silence. "So, we're together now, right?" I questioned as we entered the bedroom. "Yep." He said happily, making me smile. Well, that trip went from 0 to 100 real quick...

(Oh shit! Another ship has sailed boys! Sorry about that little smutty scene from before! I you don't like that kind of stuff then please forgive me and don't stop reading! I gonna put up warnings in the chapters whenever it starts getting to the REAL stuff so don't worry, you don't have to read those if you don't want to. Thx for reading!)

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