Chapter 6- Subconscious

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Anthony's/ChilledChaos' POV (Same Day)

I woke up with a punting headache. What I happened? I HAPPENED YOU FUCKING IDIOT. "Aww dammit!" I mumbled as I tried to sit up, but something was wrong, I couldn't move. THEY HAVE US BOUND TO THE FUCKING BED YOU STUPID BASTARD! I groaned as I banged my head against the now noticeable steel bed I was laying on. I must've not noticed it when I first woke up but I sure as hell do now. Our conversation was interrupted by the sound of a door creaking open. I lifted my head to see Andrea walking in with a metal cart. I'm guessing there's probably a bunch of weird tools n' shit on it because why else would she bring a random metal cart into the room unless it was of some importance. "Hello, I'm sorry this happened to you. When I injected the element into your bloodstream it must've disrupted some of your brain cells, and since no normal human being has subjected to these elements we've created in their daily lives it's rare for people with a weak immune systems to survive or come out unharmed. That's why we did the inspections before we injected the liquids into your arm. Everyone's white blood cell levels were normal except for yours, but we thought that since yours was about 2-3 off that we could still do the experiments without to many obstacles." She stated as he slipped on a pair of plastic, white gloves. "I guess you were wrong..." I stated glumly. "Unfortunately yes, but we can still fix it." He informed me. "Really?! You can pull him out!" I shouted. Yes! I have hope! NO! "No, but if we canfind a way to help you and your other self collide and form one person we can make it to where you can switch from him to yourself at will and he won't have any control of your or his own actions."  She stated while grabbing a needle and filling it with a velvet red liquid. WHAT?! DON'T I GET A SAY IN THIS?! "Nope." I giggled. She smiled as she brought the needle to my arm. "You are going to feel an extremely sharp pain in your head exactly ten seconds after I inject this. It's most likely going I be worse than the pain you were subjected to when your other self was trying to escape your mind." She stated. I groaned. That really fucking hurt...  I sighed as she pulled out her phone and set her timer to ten seconds. He slowly inserted the needle into my arm. After all if the liquid was completely gone she started the timer. "10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1." She counted. Once she finished counting nothing happened. "I don't feel an- ahhhhhh!!!!!" I started but was cut off by my own scream. I screamed once more but not only could I hear myself screaming, but I also heard the other me screaming as well. "NO!!!!" "Haha, fuck you!" I shouted through gritted teeth. After a moment the pain eased and I felt a weird tingling sensation in my head. "D-Did it work?!" I stuttered. "Let's see... Change into the bad Anthony." He ordered. I did as she said. Out of nowhere I began to feel stronger. I forgot about my binds and tried to sit up. I fully sat up after hearing a small snap. I looked down to see that I had broken the cuffs on the table. "Oops..." I stated except it wasn't my voice, it was the evil Anthony's voice. "It worked!" I shouted with glee while throwing my hands up in the air.  She just giggled and untie my feet. "Your free to go! Your friends are waiting for you in the bedroom. I smiled happily and hopped off the bed and skipped out the door. I trotted down the hall until I reache our room. I switched into my normal self and walked in. All attention was directed to me as I ran up to my bed and jumped on top of it. "This feels so much better than the bed in that other room!" I exclaimed as I stretched and crawled underneath the covers. "So... Are you okay?" Like questioned. "Fuck yeah! Andrea manage to shut him up!" I stated happily. FUCK YOU! "Wait, what?" I asked. All of the guys were just staring at me. "I thought she got rid of you?" I questioned. NO YOU IDIOT! SHE MOVED ME FROM ONE PART OF YOUR BRAIN TO ANOTHER!  NOW I'M BASICALLY YOUR SUBCONSCIOUS. "Oh, well as long as you're in there instead of out here I'm perfectly fine." I said with a wide grin. FUCK YOU ASSHOLE! I giggled and looked around at the guys. "I would suggest you guys should start getting used to this cause unless they find away to remove him from my mind completely you're gonna hear us talking a lot." I grumbled. "Well, I don't care what happens to him as long as you're okay." Steven said. I blushed and tried to avoid eye contact with him. I could've sworn I saw him blush as well! Pft, wishful thinking. "So now what?" Craig questions. "I guess we just wait for tomorrow..." Evan stated.

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