Update- Fear Tags

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Sorry that this isn't a chapter!!! I was tagged to do a fear tag thingy by zombieplayz so... I'm gonna do the fear tag thingy. Since zombieplayz did 5 that's what I'm gonna do since I have no earthly idea how the fuck things like this work. Um, okay. Here it goes.

#1: Enclosed Spaces- I'm petrified of tight spaces. Whenever I'm in an enclosed space I feel like I'm stuck and it makes me hyperventilate n shit and I don't like it. I will litterally go insane. I'll start screaming, crying, and thrashing. It's pretty bad...

#2: Bugs- I HATE bugs. There are only 4 bugs I dot freak out around and that's butterflies, fireflies, ladybugs, and dragonflies. Idk why they scare me, but they do.

#3: People- I don't like being around people outside the internet. Most of them are either pervertive, assholes, junkies, or some other creepy shit like that. If someone tries to talk to me I politely flip them off and tell them to go fuck a cactus cause I ain't dealin with no shit 'ight.

#4: Mice and Rats- I don't know why I'm afraid of mice, but you can guess why I don't like rats. Mice are cute and adorable so I don't know why the fuck I always freak out when I see them.

#5: The Ocean- Scientists know more about space than they do the ocean. It's huge and filled with many different creepy and deadly animals like angler fish and sharks. I don't know about you guys, but I think scientists need to stop looking for aliens in space and start looking in the ocean cause I've seen enough freaky shit down there to know that we've already found aliens and they're swimming around at the bottom of the fucking ocean and I don't like it! It's fucked up...

Okay, now to make people hate me. Tags.




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