Chapter 12- Unfitting

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Adam's/SeaNanners' POV (Same day)

I'm glad I get to be with Max again. He's the only person here I actually know. Me and him knew each other before the lab. This whole thing was just a dare gone wrong. We both planned to go in and ditch the place at the last second, but we never though about what would happen if the tests were the day we got there. Now were here... They've done the experiments and now both me and Max are going to turn into freaks. There's no use in trying to leave now that they've already finished their experiments. Even if we wanted to escape it'd be too risky. What if the same thing that happened to Anthony happens to me?! Or Max... I swear if something happens to Max just because of a stupid dare I'd never forgive myself. Dammit, I should've listened Minx and Krism! They told us not to go... "Hey Adam... You okay?" Max questions. Oops, I must've been zoned out for too long. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine! Look at that shop over there! There's pretty flowers!" I shouted playfully, hoping to change the subject. It'll also take my mind off the situation since flowers really help me when I need to calm down. I don't know why though... "You like flowers?! All of the time that I knew you I never knew you were interested in flowers." He said stunned. "Yeah dude! I guess it's my personality." I chuckled. "Pft, fuck yeah it's your personality. You're a fucking cheatsie doodle maniac!" He stated playfully. I giggled. "Hehehe, yeah..." I agreed whilst matching his playfulness. A bell rang as we walked through the doors. I turned to see Max swatting at a bee that was flying around in his face. I couldn't help but laugh. "I didn't know you could dance Max! You have some good moves but it just looks weird without any music playing." I joked. "Fucking bees man!" He yelled. I looked over at the cashier and chuckled as she facepalmed herself. "What the fuck are you laughing at?!" He whined playfully as I bent over laughing.  "Ignore the bee and c'mon, you're making a fool of yourself." I stated while grabbing his hand and dragging him out of the doorway. He noticed the cashier and blushed in embarrassment as we entered the first isle. We walked through the many isles until we reached the cactus section. "I dare you to touch one." Max said. I rolled my eyes. "You're buying the band-aids!" I stated. "Okay, I saw some My Little Pony band-aids in the store next to this one." He joked. "Yay! My favorite!" I giggled. I looked around and saw a cactus with bright pink flowers growing on it. I walked over to it and looked at the flower. Maybe if I focus on something else it won't hurt as bad.  I focused on the flower and poked the prickly plant. "Ouch!" I exclaimed as I jerked my hand back. A prickle of blood spilled from my index finger. Max gasped causing me to look back at him. "What?" I asked him. He had wide eyes and his jaw was hung wide open as he pointed at the cactus I had touched. I turned and watched as a bright pink flower, similar to the one I was thinking about, bloom on the place where I had poked the plant. Max jumped up and down and clapped his hands. "You got your powers!" He exclaimed with happiness. I looked back at the cashier as she stared at Max like he was insane. I laughed and pulled Max out of the store before he embarrassed himself any more than he already has. I pulled him in an alleyway so no one would notice us. "Shut up man! People are going to think we're botg nut jobs if we yell that kind of stuff out in the middle of a flower shop!" I giggled. Max smiled and looked around. "Hey, isn't this the direction Craig and Tyler went in?" He questioned. I looked around. "Y-Yeah! It is!" I said surprised. Tyler acts really weird around Craig. I wonder if he likes him... I can make flowers grow, right? So if they walk through here and one of them sees some mistletoe... It may trigger one of them into confessing! "I have a plan!" I said proudly. I explained the plan and he smirked. "You're such an evil genius!" He stated as we looked around for some supplies to put my plan into action. We entered the store that Max was talking about earlier. "Max! You go get my My Little Pony band-aids while I find the some string!" I ordered. He giggle and left. I sighed at the sudden loneliness and looked around. Eventually I walked into to fishing section. How the fuck did I find myself here?! Wait... Fishing twine! I looked through various isles finding fishing rods, bait, and other fishing supplies until I found what I was looking for. Twine. I grabbed the first one I saw and began searching for Max. After looking for a few minutes I found him at the cash register.  "Max!" I called. He turned and waved me over. I walked over and handed Max the string. He pulled out the card that the government gave us and swiped it. Once everything was paid for I grabbed a bandage and wrapped it around my finger. We walked into the alley to prep for the plan. I looked around and saw a broken, empty flowerpot. I grabbed it and thankfully, there was dirt in it. I thought of mistletoe as I placed my finger in the soil. Before I knew it some mistletoe sprouted from the thilthy flowerpot. I smirked as I plucked the flower and tied one end of it to the string. I noticed a hook and flung the end of the string over it causing the mistletoe to hang above the ground. Me and Max held onto the other end of the string and waited. After a while, Craig and Tyler appeared. I elbowed Max, getting his attention. He looked in the direction of the two love birds and grinned. They were talking until Tyler tensed when he saw the mistletoe. I brought one of my hands over to Max and bawled it into a fist. We fist bumped and brought our attention back to the guys. Tyler's eyes followed the string until his eyes landed on us. I signaled him to go underneath of the mistletoe and he obeyed. He called Craig over to them and the kissed. Max started to squeal when I covered his mouth to muffle the sound. Craig and Tyler ran off together. Me and Max high- fived and walked off. "Pure genius." He stated. "Yep!"

(I thought I'd give Nanners a power that opposed his personality so there ya go! Remember... Never Trust Nanners!!! :3)

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