Chapter 1

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The Ineffable Love

Copyright © 30 November 2015

All Rights Reserved.

I walk into the cafeteria with a frown on my face. I put my bag on the seat next to me and sit like a boss.

"What do you think about the Chemistry test?" Bella asks.

Isabella Jones is my perfect twin; well, not technically twin, but you get what I mean. With her beautiful blonde hair and tanned skin, she can get any guy she wants. But no — she chooses to be single. She is also smart, like real smart. She isn't like your typical stereotype or your she-is-blonde-so-she-does-not-know-how-to-spell-orange kind of girl. I don't believe in that kind of stereotype because every person has their own flaws, despite their hair colors, races or religions.

"It was hard. Very, very hard. Don't make me think about it. Oh God please, do something so that I could forget about the test." I grunt. I really suck at Chemistry.

"It wasn't that hard." Bella chuckles lightly.

I narrow my eyes at her. "That's because you're good at it. In fact, you're good at every single subject," I say, complaining.

Bella is in my Chemistry and Mathematics classes. I seemed like a retard in both classes compared to her, although I'm pretty good at Mathematics. So, you could have guessed how smart she is.

"I'm not that smart." She grins sheepishly. "Wait, I know what how to take your mind off. There's a new topic floating in the air!" she gushes.

"What? Your brother put chewing gum in your hair again?" I snicker.

Bella's brother is a cheeky prankster although he is only 13 years old. Poor Bella always fall for his tricks. He even put itching powder in her clothes a few times. Oh and don't forget about the superglue incident. To say that she was pissed is an understatement. So, guess what happened a few days ago? I believe you already knew the answer.

"No! Damn it, don't remind me about that little devil again. What I'm trying to say is there are two new guys in our school. They're twins I think. Both of them are equally hot. You should see them, Els!"

"Bella, I don't think they're that handsome. You're being over-dramatic," I say, rolling my eyes. "Besides, I have a boyfriend, remember?"

"Oh yeah? You mean that asshole that you call a—"

"Hey babe!" David Cooper, my boyfriend, shouts while walking towards us with a smile plastered on his face.

Bella has this trust issue when it involves David. She said that there was something wrong with him, like he was not being sincere with me or whatever. But I just shrugged it off. I love him and he loves me back, I think that's what matters.

"Hey," he greets, plopping into the seat on my left. I return the gesture by kissing his cheek. I stare into his deep blue eyes. I can't stop myself from smiling whenever he is around me.

He was my first crush since my childhood days, and until today, I still can't believe that he is with me. I mean, he's handsome and hot, unlike me, I'm just ... plain. Every girl in the cafeteria wanted to be with him, especially with his guy-next-door attitude, but he chose me.

It's impossible that someone like him would like let alone fall in love with someone like me. I sigh.

My thoughts are interrupted with the sound of Emily, Aaron and Jace arguing from distant. Their voices echo throughout the cafeteria.

"Gosh, these guys." I roll my eyes.

Emily Scott is my other twin. Actually, the three of us are like twins. So, we're triplets. We're inseparable. Emily is a redhead, Bella is a blonde, while me on the other hand is a brunette. We're unique, we're different, yet nothing could ever come between us. Wow, cheesy much? Whatever — so, Emily is the crazy one and Bella is more of a sensible person. Me? I'm the mixture of both of them.

Aaron Collins and Jace Torres are also my best friends. Aaron is the protective one. When he first knew that I dated David, he got really mad. He said that David wasn't a good person — he was a player. David said that he seemed fishy and it was like he was putting on a facade to hide his real attitude. But today I proved him wrong. I'm still with him after two years. Now, about Jace. Jace is the I-don't-realize-I-have-made-a-joke kind of person. He enlivens our group with funny behavior.

"Hey, have you guys heard about the new students?" Emily, Aaron and Jace ask in unison after they sit at our exclusive table.

"Not about this again." I groan while burying my face in my hands. Words sure travelled fast around here.

"I heard that they come from the dark side. They had a gang back there. They had also murdered a few people," Jace says with a serious face.

"No! You've heard it all wrong! They had just come back from helping starving children in Africa," Emily cries dramatically.

"So this was what you guys had been arguing about? Okay, I'm out. Now if you excuse me, I need to eat because I'm literally starving, unlike some people who are just hungry for gossips!" I stand up but before I walk away, I ask, "Who's coming with me?"

David quickly follows me and asks, "What are you gonna eat, babe?"

"I don't know. I think spaghetti would be great," I mutter. Our school serves the best food you could ever have although they're a bit expensive. But I don't really mind as long as the food is amazing.

"Let me pay for your food."

"Nope, not going to happen. Now is the time for me to pay for yours. You've paid for mine enough," I say, smiling genuinely.

After we return to our table, Emily suddenly gasps. "They're ... here," she says, pointing towards the table two rows in front of us.

Wow, when Bella said they were hot, she wasn't lying. Both of them are tall, but the one with long hair is taller than his twin with short hair. The shorter one seems like a dwarf when he stands next to his brother. But, to be honest, I think even the shorter twin is taller than most guys in our school, even David. Plus, they're like super duper hot. I know, I know, I'm in a relationship but whatever. That doesn't mean I couldn't stare at the hot guys, right? Right?

"I love tall guys." Bella sighs dreamily.

"So, they're not gangsters?" Jace asks with a puzzled look on his face.

We look at each other before we roar with laughter.




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