One Month Later

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Brie pov:
Tonight was the night that randy was leaving to go back, and to say I am not happy that he is leaving . Randy has been a big help since Andrew was born and we been really connecting as parents and more.  Next thing I know Randy big arms wrapped around  me.
Randy: hey beautiful, I just put Andrew down for his nap and I thought it will be a perfect time for us to finally sit and talk.
And there it was the talk that I been avoiding since Andrew was born a month ago. Tonight was the last chance I had to tell randy how I truly feel, that I love the fact that we were finally a family. But all I could hear myself say..
Brie: mm.. Yeah of course
Randy: are you okay Brianna?
Brie: yeah I am okay , I just have a lot on  my mind.
Randy pov:
I hate that I have to leave but I need to get back on the road , I wish Brie and Andrew were joining me but that wasn't gonna happen since Andrew is still too small to travel. But there no way in hell I am leaving here today without trying to get Brie back and I am going to make sure of it.
Randy: sit Brie.
Brie: I think I know what you want to talk about.
Randy: yeah something that you been avoiding since Andrew was born.
Brie: randy I am not going to lie, this last month has been wonderful you have showed me a different side of  you that I never thought I'll ever see.
Randy: Brie I know that I hurt for a long time but look into my eyes and tell me that you don't want this anymore and I'll back out and I'll stop trying to get you back.
Brie: Randy I do want you but I just don't think it's the right time, we should be focusing on Andrew he what is more important to us.
I am not gonna lie that felt like I was kick in my heart repeatedly , I finally knew how badly Brie felt when I broke up wth out of no where.
Randy: yeah I didn't think it was easy for you to forgive me so easy but if that what it takes to win you back, believe me or not I will never give up on us or out little family! I need to finish getting everything ready.
Brie: what time does your plane leave ?
Randy: in about 2 hours..
Brie: oh.
I could hear the sadness in her voice , I am true gonna miss her and Andrew but I have to do what best for my family and that is return to the ring to be able to support them.
Randy: hey your gonna be okay Brie your an amazing mom to Andrew .
Brie: I am just worry that I won't be able to do without you, I got use to you being here for the first time I really felt like we were an family.
Randy: I know what you mean Brianna, I hate that I have to go but remember that I am doing this for you guys.
Brie: I know randy just remember that we will always be cheering you one from home.
Randy: I know you guys are my biggest supporters.
2 hours later
At the airport
Brie pov: this was it Randy was about to bored and I am gonna be left by myself . What I am more afraid of is that Randy might go back to his old roots. As I looked down on Andrew and see how much he look his dad he had his beautiful blue eyes. I felt like everything was gonna be okay because I know Randy will always be there no matter what.
Randy: well this it Brianna , my plane will start bordering soon.
Brie: yup Randy please be safe , will be waiting for you when get back just remember that.
Randy: trust me I will never do anything to risk my family.
As I look into his deep blue eyes I saw the reason why truly fell In love with him.
Randy: bye Andrew take care of mommy and make sure no man go near her.
I couldn't help but let a little chuckle out
I need to show him how much he means to me but the only thing I could come up with was a kiss.
Brie: Randy your forgetting something
Randy: and what will that be
Brie: this
Soon as I felt his lips on to mine , I felt like I was melting and good thing Andrew was on a stroller. Because soon as our lips touch Randy made sure to grab my tightly and passion the kiss.
Randy: (heavy breathing) oh Brianna , how do you expect me to leave after you gave me such a passionate kiss like that.
Brie: sorry I just couldn't help myself.
Randy: I'll see soon okay.
Brie: yeah of course
Randy: bye Andrew daddy loves you.
I could help but feel my heart clench when I saw Randy leave, I just want wanted to run to him and tell him I love him. But instead I just stood there as I watch him leave but this time I wasn't 8 months pregnant and I knew Randy will come back this time.
Brie: come on Andrew lets go home, and just wait for daddy to come back home to us.

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