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Brie Pov: I sat in my room in silence crying my eyes out, I couldn't believe on what I read. Randy has another baby and it's with Eva Marie.My family have been calling me for the last hour and I just haven't been picking up. Good thing that Andrew is still asleep. I heard the door open and wipe my eyes clean and rush to my bathroom to fix myself so it wouldn't seem like I was crying.
Bryan: Brie I'm home !
Brie: oh hi Bryan how was your work out?
Bryan: it was ok let out a lot stress I had.. so ummm I heard that Eva had her daughter.
Brie: yeah I heard too.
Bryan: are you okay?
Brie: yeah .. I just had to accept the fact that Andrew now have a half sister.
Bryan: Brie its okay to be upset.
Brie: I fine don't worry about it.
Bryan: why don't we go out tonight?
Brie: I don't know Bryan.
Bryan: come on it's been a while since we been out.
Brie: ok I'll get my mom to look after Andrew.
Mean while
Nicole: I worry John, Brie isn't picking up her phone.
John: I'm sure she okay.. she might need some alone time.
Nicole: I can't believe Randy will do that to Brie.
John: I know it's not the ideal picture that Brie painted in her head but things happen Nicole. And Randy is trying to do the best for his family he taking responsibility for the new daughter he brought into this world and Andrew .
Nicole: i know he trying to do what best but he is hurting brie in the process.
John: look I know you might say no but randy invited us to come see his daughter.
Nicole: I'm not going John that like backstabbing my sister if i go see the home wrecker baby.
John: ok Nicole I get why don't you go visit your sister and she doing and I'll go visit randy by myself.
Nicole: fine john.
At the hospital
Randy Pov: i read all the feedback I got from the last tweet that I tweeted and people aren't happy with me but it's whatever... I know I have mess up pretty bad but I already lost Brie, I should at least give myself a chance to with Eva and see if that lead to anything. My thought where interrupted with a familiar voice.
Eva: Randy
Randy: huh...
Eva: can you hand me the diaper bag .
Randy: yeah here you go... so umm
Eva: what wrong Randy ? You are acting really weird.
Randy: it's just a lot to process... I wasn't expecting to be a father again so soon. Andrew just turned one and to really tell you I was good off having anymore kids since Andrew is going to carry on the Orton last name.
Eva: so you neglecting Isabella because she is a girl?
Randy: no of course not !
Eva: Randy I don't get you during my whole pregnancy you denied Isabella being your daughter and soon as she is born you changed your mind and you want to be a family. So randy what is going to be  do you want to be a family with me and Isabella or are you still hoping that Brie will change her mind and take you back? Oh come on Randy be realistic Brie will NEVER take you back now that Isabella is in our life's.
Even how hard it was to hear does words, I know that everything Eva was telling me was true. I just hate this I wish I never lay eyes on Eva when I came back from Brie having Andrew.
Eva: cat caught your tongue Randy?
Randy: what I could say yes I do still love her what do you expect I fuck shit up with the girl that was meant to be with to hook up with a sure thing.. and look what that lead to a unplanned pregnancy with someone that I rarely know.
Eva: well congrats Randy you manage to fuck up our relationship now .. you'll be lucky to see Isabella after that spat.
Randy: please don't threaten me Eva I will take you to court like Brie took me and look what happen I have visitation rights of my son. And trust me I could make it happen that you will never see Isabella ever!
Eva Pov: I can't believe all the things that randy has just said to me. I had to get revenge on Brie some way this isn't the way I was planning this going down! No way randy is going to get custody of my daughter !
Eva: Randy I'm the last person that you want to mess with. So why don't we just put this all side and just be one big happy family.
Randy: Eva the only reason why I'm trying is because of that little girl. But trust me if Brie ever wants together I will jump right at it.
Eva: I'll take notes randy trust me and soon as that happen I'll be the first one taking you to court so you could take responsibility of your daughter.
Randy: trust me I will but I'm not taking care of you!
Eva: now sweetie why don't hold our daughter so I could use the bathroom.
Randy pov: Eva handed Isabella to me and just look at an innocent little baby being stuck with parents that don't love each other and that don't belong together.
Randy: don't worry sweetie I'll make sure that our evil mother doesn't take you away from you.

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