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I could sense him behind me so I ran at him, I was faster than he expected and so I tackled him to the ground. He laughed "Nice Lan." He said it with real approval. I laughed as well. He looked at me. "Lan what was that?" 

"What was what?" 

"You were just projecting a forest!" 

"I wasn't projecting at all." I looked away. If I wasn't projecting how did he know I was thinking of a forest. 

"Its getting harder to control isn't it?" He looked at me with worry in his eyes. I put my head down into my hands. 

"Can we just leave?" Without waiting for him to answer I stood up and ran off.  

We both knew he was faster than me but he let me lead the way. After a while he realized we weren't heading to the boarding house but he didn't bother to ask where we were going. I was thinking about my conversation with Stefan when suddenly Damon stopped. Please say I wasn't projecting. I heard his voice in my head "What was that Lan?" I turned around and ran to him. 

"She's human." I said out loud. He looked at me confused. So I replayed the scene of the heart beats in my mind. I saw it sink in. "I'm sorry Damon. I didn't even mean to show you until I knew who she was." He didn't reply so I tried talking through his mind. "Damon please don't shut me out." I started showing him memories to try and calm him down. The concert in Australia, seeing Kim Kardashian in Miami, the first time I met him in the forest when he had ridden me home to his house on his horse, the first time I had my blood drawn by him while I was human, the first time we shared blood while I was a vampire, and I saved this one for last because I could feel that wall still up, spending time with him at our beach in LA. I felt it all melt away. "I am sorry Damon." He looked down at me and smiled. 

"Its ok Lan, I know you didn't mean to show me and its not your fault she is a manipulative, lying wench, who toyed with my feelings for however many years! Now will you tell me where we are going we're in the middle of nowhere." I looked around and sure enough we were in the middle of nowhere. Hang on I've seen this forest before. It's the one I first met Damon in the one I had been thinking about when I first started running. "Lan you brought us here!" Damon said looking at me in awe. "Try again. Think if a place and run. I'll follow." 

"Ok?" I was uncertain but I would try. I ran and sure enough within two seconds we were at our beach in LA. I turned and looked at him, he was in black board shorts and I was in a black bikini, this is weird that's exactly how I imagined us? 

"Well done Lan!" I heard Damon say in my mind. I still didn't understand how we got here. "What does it matter Lan? Don't you remember where we are!" He looked at me, smiling his evil smile.  

"No Damon don't!" Too late! He swung me over his shoulder and carried me to the water. "Damon I swear to god don't do th..." My head was submerged with water before I could finish. I kicked and screamed until he finally let me go. I ran at him and pushed him under.

We continued playing aroud like this for an hour or so when suddenly I started feeling tired, very tired. It was an unusual feeling, one I hadn't had since I was human. "Damon..." I called out and I fainted into the water. It was black everywhere, all around me and then suddenly I was in the light. I was in the forest that we had been in earlier today, the same forest I had been in when I first met Damon. Except this time I was not skipping and picking flowers, this time I was pinned to the floor. For a few seconds there was nothing but recognition of where I was and then he was there, a man I had never before seen in my life. He was standing over me twirling a wooden stake covered in blood, my blood, in his hands. That's when I started to feel the pain. There was a searing pain right down my left arm and five scratch marks across my bare stomach. I could feel a peircing pain in my right leg and I looked down to see a stake sticking out of it. The man looked as if he had only just remembered it was in there so he leant down and pulled it out. I let out a blood curdling scream. All I could hear was his laughter when suddenly I started to jerk around as if someone was shaking me, I could hear a faint whisper on the wind. "Lan?" The wind was saying. "Lani please wake up!" That voice, I knew that voice. Of course it was Damon, but where was he? I could hear him right in my ear now. "Lani please I love you, please wake up!" Wait did he just say he loved me? Everything went black again and I tried opening my eyes. They would just flutter at first until they finally opened. 


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