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The squeeling started as soon as I rang the door bell. "She's here!" Elena was repeating at the top of her lungs. I thought about running away from the house and never looking back but I had promised Elena I would go with her and with Damon by my side it couldn't be that bad, could it? She pulled the door open, still squeeling and ran and hugged me. "Your here! and you're early."  

"Only for you Elena." This got her squeeling again, anyone would have thought this was her first prom. "Elena, why are you squeeling so much? You already went to one of these last year."  

"Yeah but you weren't here to help me last year, well not that I knew of anyway."  

"Ok. Well can we go inside then? I'm getting bored standing out here."  

"Of course." She squeeled again and then ushered me in, but as soon as Damon stepped in she turned serious. "What do you think you're doing?" 

"Coming inside. Isn't it obvious?" 

"You can't be here!"  

"And why not?"  

"Because, we'll be getting changed and roaming around in our underwear and there is no way you are here to see that!" 

"Really Elena?" I asked she didn't seriously expect him to leave that easily did she? 

"Really really Lani. Now tell him to leave before I kick him out." 

"I'd like to see you try." Damon muttered under his breath and I giggled causing Elena to give me a ice cold stare. 

"Now Lani!" and with that she stormed off upstairs. 

"You should probably go." I whispered barely audible. "She's no fun to be around when she's angry."  

"If I must." He smiled. "Wouldn't want Elena to bite your head off so you wouldn't be able to accompany me to the prom." 

"Maybe you should stay." I winked. He laughed. 

"I'll see you soon Lani." He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek and then was gone.

I stomped my way upstairs to Elena's bedroom. "It's about time I thought you might have run off." She said with a smile. She had already stripped down to her underwear and was currently trying to curl her hair. "You're doing it all wrong." I murmured stripping down also. 

"Well then why don't you do it?" She laughed. I walked over and took the curling iron.  

"For starters it's not hot enough yet." She laughed at me and I frowned. "What?"  

"I don't know!" She said bursting into laughter again this time I joined in. This was typical us, laughing at nothing in particular but not being able to stop once we had started. It took us well over five minutes before we were both calm enough to try and do anything constructive.  

"Is it warm enough yet Lan?"  

"Yep, now close your eyes." She obeyed silently. It was just like the time back in my bathroom, it took me just under five minutes to have her hair perfectly curled and put up and her makeup flawlessly put on. I giggled. "Ok open your eyes." She did and gasped almost instantaniously.  

"Lani it's... 

"Gorgeous I know." We both giggled. "Give me two secs and I'll do mine and then we can get dressed." She stood up from her seat in the bathroom and I quickly sat down. I did my hair almost identically to Elena's but I had a more severe curl to mine and my makeup was in much darker shades. She smiled at my swiftness and then we went to get dressed. It was a good thing that I had asked Elena to keep a hold on our dresses otherwise I would of had to make a quick pit stop on the way home from Bridgets. I helped Elena into hers first and then she helped me into mine The deep black of my dress sent shivers down my spine the way it had when I first tried it on in Paris. Elena loked stunning in her dress, but then again she always did. "Well you ready?" I asked. She nodded slightly and smiled. I gave Damon a quick call and said we were ready to be picked up, he told me he wold just grab Stefan and they would be over in a few. I hung up and smiled, this was going to be a night to remember.

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