The Grill.

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"Black is a nice colour on you Lan!" Elena was admiring the black dress I had put on. 

"Thanks! I like the white on you." Elena hadn't decided what to wear yet. I pointed towards a white dress that I had in my closet. It was a designer brand not that Elena needed to know that.  

"Well if you're sure it will look nice!" Elena grabbed the white dress and put it on. We had stripped down to our underwear when we first came into my room. I zipped it up for her and pulled her towards the bathroom.  

"Close your eyes!" She obeyed like she normally does. I put some make-up on her and did her hair, I put some high heels onto her feet and then pulled her in front of my full-length mirror. "Well what do you think?" She opened her eyes and gasped. 

"I look good enough to meet the Queen, not just to go to the grill." She looked happy and that was all that mattered. She turned and looked at me and gasped again. While I had been doing her hair and make-up I had been doing my own. I had quickly curled my hair again and put on a little lipstick. I had even pulled on my favourite black heels. "You look gorgeous!" She said. "But this must have taken you hours!" she said turning back to the mirror. 

"Actually it took just under five minutes." I smiled at her. 


"Really, really!" 

"I'm so glad you're doing my make-up for prom. Nobody at school will have such an amazing artist with them!" She smiled and turned and gave me a huge hug.  

"Easy Elena!" she let me go. "Come on the guys are waiting." I told her starting towards the door. She grabbed my hand and together we walked down. In the car Damon took my hand.  

"Are you ok Lan?" I had been very quiet on the way to the grill.  

"Yeah I'm fine." He didn't look convinced."I'm fine Damon, I'm just wondering what we're going to be like in the grill."  

"What do you mean?" 

"I mean like how we're going to act." I turned and looked out the window. 

"Lan, I dont care how we act in the grill. As long as I am with you nothing could be better." I smiled out the window. He was really taking this seriously. "I love you Lani."  

"I love you too Damon." We didnt exchange many more words after that until we reached the grill. "Will you hold my hand the whole time?" I asked quietly. I didnt want him to say no. 

"It would be my pleasure Lani." We got out the car just as Stefan and Elena pulled up. 

"Took your time Stef!" I said. He just smiled at me and grabbed Elena's hand. 

"You ready?" He said to her. 

"Definitely!" She smiled. We walked in and saw Bonnie and Caroline sitting in a booth. It was good that they were sorting out their problems. They had hardly spoken since Caroline had become a vampire. I hated seeing friendships ruined over vampires. Bonnie looked up at us when we entered and smiled. "Elena, Lani!" She came over and hugged us. I couldn't help but notice my hug was distant, but she had always been that way I mean she didnt really like vampires. To tell the truth she loathed them, but she was trying hard to make exceptions. Caroline came over and hugged us too. 

"You two look amazing!" She said to Elena and I. 

"Its all thanks to Lani, she does wonders in five minutes." Elena squeezed my arm. "Its a good thing she's my stylist for prom!" Elena added and Caroline and Bonnies eyes opened wide.  

"Your going to do Elena's hair and make-up for prom?" They both asked in unison. 

"Why of course! I am attending too with my own date." Their eyes travelled down my arm to mine and Damon's linked hands. 

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