Sacrifice, What Sacrifice?

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Before I could blink morning was upon us and Damon started to stir. "Lani?" He whispered. 

"I'm here Damon." I replied unemotionally. 

"Thank-you Lani."  

"What for?"  

"Everything..." All of a sudden he gasped in pain and started writhering around.  

"Damon?" He was screaming in pain. I shook him and his eyes started to roll into the back of his head. "Damon!" I was screaming out loudly as Stefan burst through the door. He could see Damon writhering around on the floor. He went over there and picked Damon up putting him on the bed. "Blood Lani!" Stefan almost screamed at me, and in that instant I knew Damon wouldn't die as long as Stefan was here. I sprinted to the basement and gathered two blood bags. When I re-entered Damon's room he had stopped moaning and writhering, but he looked exhausted. "Here." I said handing the bag to him. He took it slowly as if it hurt him. As soon as he started drinking the colour came back little by little to his cheeks and once he had finished the second bag he smiled his usual smirk. "Thanks for that Lan." He said cheerfully. I stared at him. Ten seconds ago he had been in so much pain he could barely move and now he was being happy. Stefan had the same look on his face as what I expected mine to look like. Damon looked back and forth between me and Stefan. "Geez guys lighten up!" He laughed. 

"Lighten up?" I half screamed at him. "Damon Salvatore you have no idea what you put me through and if it happens again I swear to god I will stake you myself!" And with that I stalked out of the bedroom before anyone could stop me. I heard Damon call after me but I couldn't deal with him right now. I decided to go to Elena's to take my mind off things. It was only a short drive to Elena's and I took Damons car so it took half as much time. When I pulled up I realised I was still in my Paris clothes. How was I going to explain this to her? I was about to leave again when she opened the front door. She stood there in her pyjamas waiting for whoever was hidden in the car. I opened the door and stepped out. Elena gasped and ran over to me. She hugged me and I fell into her the way Damon had last night. She never asked what had happened or why I hadn't changed my clothes, she just pulled me inside and gave me some spare pyjamas. I went into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My eyes were red and puffy and I looked like I hadn't slept in a week. I splashed my face with some water and changed into Elena's pyjamas. When I came out she had bags of chips, lollies and a tub of icecream. I sat down on the bed next to her. "You are a life saver." I whispered openning the icecream. I want filing myself into thinking having a human food feast would help, but it felt good to at least pretend that it was making me feel better.  

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to..." Elena started but trailed off. I wasn't sure if I wanted to but I felt like I needed to. 

"Did you know that supposedly a werewolf bite kills a vampire?" I asked praying Stefan had told her that much. 

"Yeah Stefan has mentioned it."  

"Well a certain cocky, assholish vampire was biten." I looked away but I could feel her gaze on my face. 

"It wasn't Damon was it?" I was thankful that I had held it together till now, but there was no stopping the tears once I looked up into Elena's face. I broke down into sobs and Elena pulled me into a hug. She just hugged me and we sat like that until I could cry no more, during which I heard Elena have a little cry of her own. She too cared for Damon just not the way I did. We layed down on her bed and tried to talk about unimportant things but nothing held my attention for long. I was exhausted physically and emotionally and I ended up falling asleep on her bed.

I woke up to the sound of Damon and Elena fighting. "You can't see her Damon!" Thank god for Elena. I couldn't handle crying anymore. 

"You can't stop me Elena!" 

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