I Know, Lets Go To Paris.

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Damon and I never ended up going anywhere. So I was curled up on the lounge with a glass of bourbon watching the television. Damon was sitting at my feet. "This show is boring and I'm hungry." I complained. The first part wasnt quite true the show was actually quite interesting but I had seen this episode before, the second part on the other hand was 100% truthful. I had been fighting the urge for about five hours and I was sick of it. "Well lets go get something to drink." Damon said standing up. He was always hungry. "What do you want? Blood bag? We could go and rob a hospital? Fresh? I'll bet hundreds of guys would let you the way you look right now. Or we could try Stefans diet and go get some poor bunnies?" The last part was meant as a joke, but the midle one had me thinking. 

"Do you think i look pretty?" I asked. 

"No!" I turned away I should have known he would say something like that. He tilted my face so I was inches from his. "I dont think your pretty Lani, I think you are beautiful!" He kissed me and I felt fireworks go off in my head. I stood up and grabbed his hand, I dragged him to my room and shut the door behind me. 

"I came up with another alternative." I said with a smirk on my face. 

"Oh yeah, whats that?" He probably already knew what I was going to do but I liked to think I would surprise him. 

"You!" I said it short and sweet and then I pounced, fangs bared. He caught me and threw me on the bed. He pulled his top off over his head and came over. 

"I think I can deal with that." We rolled so I was sitting on him and I bit down into his neck. The sensation was so sweet. Nothing compared to this. The way his blood tasted was beyond anything any human could eat. After a few minutes I pulled back and in a flash I was the one lying on the bed with Damon leaning over me. "My turn." I smiled as he tilted my head up and exposed my throat. Once Damon had finished I went into the bathroom to put my PJ's on and clean up a bit. When I looked in the mirror I could see the bite mark was already gone. I washed my face and arms and quickly got into my jami's. I went back into my room to find Damon already under the covers. "I wasn't aware you were staying the night sir."  

"Well I thought seen as I'm already here." He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. I got into the bed next to him and snuggled close.  

"Im going to sleep now." I warned. "And if I am woken up before at least ten tomorrow someone is going to die."  

"That goes for you too Stefan!" I sent it out with a surge mentally. I heard him sigh, and Damon say. 

"Whatever Lani!" And with that I went to sleep.


"I wonder where I am?" I know it's stupid to talk to yourself but I have a habit of doing it. This place is so beautiful. I was in a forest. It had huge trees with, long green leaves on them all. It was just on dusk and I loved the way the sunlight glistened in the leaves. I had been walking for what seemed like weeks. In truth it had only been a day but it seemed so much longer. I could hear my bare feet crunching on the bark and dry leaves. And the smell of it was wonderful. It was a mix of wood and wildflowers and a cologne, but I must be crazy I'm here by myself. I sighed "I've been by myself since I ran away." I screamed out. 

"What did you run from?" A voice called out. I spun around and leaning on a tree behind me was a gorgeous man. He was dressed in a black suit, one that did not suit the time. It was as if he was from the 1860's. But how could he be, it was the 1880's now. "What did you run from?" He repeated. 

"My parents." It just bubbled out. Why was I going into this with a total stranger. Especially seen as my stomach was screaming at me to run. But I couldn't I was mesmerised by this mysterious man.  

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