Thirst and Revelation.

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We had been walking for about twenty minutes when he turned into the driveway of the most magnificent house I have ever seen. It had three stories and the bottom floor had floor to roof windows. You could see through them that there was a huge pool in the backyard. "House!" I mumured. "You said house not mansion!" I stared at him and he laughed.  

"House, mansion same thing!" He opened the door and I walked inside. It was even more beautiful inside. The furniture was a beautiful red velvet and he had the biggest book shelf, that it put Stefans to shame.  

"Oh my god this is beautiful." I said turning around to look at him.  

"Wait till you see the bedroom." He smirked. "I'll race you?" For some unklnown reason, I felt I had a chance at beating him. 

"You're on!"  

"Alright on the count of three!" He siad smirking "One, two."  

"Three!" I cut in and ran off leaving him startled at the lounge, it wasn't gonna keep him back for long but it was all I needed. I ran into what I thought was the bedroom and realized it was the bathroom. Shit! I lose. When I got into the bedroom I found him lounging on the bed. "you cheated!" I ran up and jumped on him. He laughed. 

"I didn't cheat Lan, you never asked where the bedroom was." We rolled and now he was on top. "Thats not cheating." I rolled us again so I was on top.  

"My turn!" I bit down into his neck. It was heavenly. The taste was so sweet and I could feel that he was enjoying it to. I stopped after a while and bent down and kissed him. "Can we go for a swim?" I asked knowing he would say yes.  

"Of course Lan." I looked down at my clothes, not exactly something you could go swimming in. "You could always go naked Lan!" I hit him in the stomach. "Kidding Lan geez! There's a draw over there," He sadid pointing behind me. "Think hard of what you want and then open it." Ok good, that meant I could get my bikini from the boarding house, but I didn't really want that one. So I thought really hard of this cute one piece I had seen in a magazine. It had the sides cut out and this little broach thing on the middle of it, and of course it was black so I loved it even more. To my delight when I opened the draw there it was. I pulled it out and ran to the bathroom. I put it on and went back to the bedroom, but Damon was no longer on the bed. "Damon?" I asked mentally.  

"Pool Lan!" What, he was already in there? Asshole!  

"You got in without me?" I said walking out into the backyard. He was indeed in the pool lounging against the edge.  

"Just hurry up and get in Lan." So I did. I stepped in and swam over to him. He gave me a quick peck on the cheek and then he was gone. I spun around and he was at the other end of the pool, lounging just the same. He motioned for me to go to him and so I did. This time he kissed me on the lips and then was gone again. I turned around and saw him back in his original spot. I went to him without him motioning or asking there was, something intriguing about this game. When I got to him he pulled me close and kissed me for a longer time. Without the need for breath I didn't understand why we both broke off the kiss breathing hard. "Lan..." He whispered in my ear. There was something with how Damon had been acting lately. I had to think, I had to put my finger on it. He had been so caring, but he had always been like that with me, no this was different caring like the way Stefan cared for Elena. I looked up into his face finally recognizing what it was we were sharing. I touched my lips and he bent down and kissed me again.

A little while later I was floating on the water. He came out of the house holding two glasses of wine. "I thought you didn't like wine?" I asked skeptically. Damon hadn't liked wine for as long as I had known him.  

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