Miss Bridget.

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I had literally only just taken my last bite of my food before Damon had gotten up and started helping me out of my chair. "Can't we stay and swim for a while?" He gave me a puzzled look.  

"I told you, we have places to go..." 

"And people to see." I finished. He smiled and nodded. 

"Not as dumb as you look Lani!" He smirked. 

"Oh ha ha, great one! Don't we have somewhere to be?" He laughed and took my hand. We headed back towards the hotel, I guessed to grab his car, but we walked straight passed it. "Do I at least get a hint as to where we are going?" I questioned after we had been walking a while. I had tried my hardest not to ask, but the curiosity was eating at me.  

"Ten minutes, I think that's a Lani record!" He smirked.  

"Seriously, tell me!" He laughed at me and I was once again reminded that it was a sound that I believed I would only ever hear again in my dreams. I smiled just out of pure happiness. 

"Ok you can have a tiny hint." 


"We're here!" Just as he said it we turned down a long, winding driveway that lead the way to an amazing two storey mansion.  

"Wow!" Was all I managed to say. How did he always know people who lived in houses like these? Or own them for that matter? It just wasn't possible, was it? By the time I had finished quizing myself on Damon's good fortune, we had made our way up to the front steps of the house. We were greeted by a man who obviously knew Damon.  

"Aaah Master Salvatore, how do you do? And accompanied by a lady today, well isn't that a surprise?"  

"Alfred, always a pleasure. This is Miss Lani Gibson." He gestured to me and I smiled. It was strange to hear him using my parents name, I had gotten so used to Lani Salvatore that I almost forgot it wasn't my real last name. But then again, to see the way Damon and I were together, it would be weird for us to have the same last name unless we were married, and I didnt like the idea of that. "Miss Gibson." He nodded. "And what brings you and your lovely lady here today Master Salvatore?"  

"We have come to see Miss Bridget." The name did not sound familiar to me, but then again Damon did say I was to meet whoever we were going to see. 

"Of course, come in and I shall go and fetch her from the gardens."  

"No need Alfred, we can make our way out there. I had wanted to show Lani the gardens anyway."  

"Very well. It was a pleasure to see you Master Salvatore." 

"And you Alfred." I waited untill we had walked a little while before I spoke. 

"So... Whose Bridget?" I asked innocently. 

"She is an old friend and vampire." Damon replied, I looped my arm through his. The scene before me made me think of when Damon and I were younger and used to stroll through the parks.


I pulled my arm out of his and ran forward a little, being careful to only use my human speed. "Catch me if you can!" I giggled running a litle further ahead. Damon laughed and ran after me. We often played this game, him and I, and he almost always won. He seemed to be able to just know which way I was going to turn. 

"Again Miss Lani, but we always play this game?" I giggled again and ran forward a little more before hiding behind a tree.  

"Yes but you see Master Salvatore today I will win!"  

"Oh you think so?" He said while grabbing me around my waist from behind. "Got you again." He laughed.  

"Damn, and I really thought I would win today!" I pouted. 

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