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Even though Stefan had left he still teased me relentlessly about it. Every five minutes, or after I kissed Damon, there he was asking me if I wanted him to leave. Usually I would just laugh and blow it off, but after a while it got really annoying. So here I was sitting at the bar of the Grill contemplating whether or not to kill him after having a few too many bourbons. "Cheer up love! Anyone would think someone had died!" I groaned loudly and let my head slump onto the bar.  

"What do you want Klaus?" I mumbled into the polished wood.  

"Hey now! I thought we were friends? I mean you did try and stay at my house last week!" Has it really been a week? Shit, I've got to start keeping track of the days.  

"We are! I guess. But still what do you want?"  

"Just some friendly company!" He replied sitting down next to me.  

"Well I'm not exactly the friendliest person at the moment!" I took another swig of bourbon.  

"Aren't you a little young?"  

"Sshh! I had to compell him. Dont tell no one!"  

"Aah Lani, what are we going to do with you?"  

"Love me, feed me!" I shrugged.  

"That's my job!" Another voice interrupted.  

"Come to join the party dear?" I asked, giving them my best english accent. I even bounced up and down like the real pompous idiots do.  

"How many have you had Lani?"  

"I don't know I lost count after six, I never was very smart!" I giggled at myself.  

"Lani!" He groaned.  

"Damon!" I mimiced in my best male voice. I lost the seriousness after I giggled again though.  

"Come on! Time to go home!" I sighed and try to stand up. It probably was best to go now, before I made a fool of myself. But I fell over before I was even standing. "Jesus Lani!" Damon scolded hoisting me up into his arms.  

"Well hey there handsome!" I giggled again before going green. "I'm gonna be sick!" I turned away from Damon not wanting to be sick on him and instead threw up all over Klaus. Once I was finished I couldn't help but giggle a little. He gave me the biggest death stare so I forced myself to stop.  

"Time to leave Lani!" and Damon whisked me off to his car. I could see the hint of a smile on his lips as he drove the car.  

"Its not funny Damon!" I can't believe I just spewed all over Klaus, of all people.  

"It was a little funny Lani!" but he was still trying to hide his smile. I put my head in my hands. "Woah! You're not gonna be sick in the car are you?" I couldn't help but laugh a little. A small tiny whimper of a laugh.  

"No, I'm totally humiliated!" I groaned. He laughed at me and gave me a look of compassion.  

"I'm sure no one else saw!" he's trying to comfort me but I know everyone in the Grill just saw me spew all over Klaus. "Come on lets have a bath!" he said, lifting me gingerly from the car and carrying me to the bathroom. Stefan eyed me curiously but was wise enough not to say anything. I still haven't ruled out killing him, even if it is only temporary.

I woke with a start and search for Damon to cling to as I usually do after a bad dream but he is not there. I sat up with a groan and check my phone. Aargh its not even six yet. Theres no point in trying to go back to sleep especially without Damon. Nightmares have been a prominent part of my life but I'd learnt to deal with them. That was before Klaus came and ruined everything with his 'snapping' theory. Now every night I wake up from a new nightmare where I've snapped and done something cold and unforgivable. And then there's Damon, he's always there to comfort me, make sure I dont believe I've really snapped. He never lets me sleep alone. Where is he? Fear grips me when I realise I'm not in my bed or Damons, I'm not even in my house. "Damon?" I call out cautiously. No reply. I've just decided to search for him when the door opens.  

Life With The Salvatores!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora