Petty Bets and Unexpected Presents!

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"Stay in the car Lani!" Damon growled, slamming the car door shut behind him. I sighed and opened the door.

"Fat chance!" He looked at me, torn, but decided it was best to let me come.

"Fine! But anything happens and you get out fast!" I nodded silently. "Which room?" He asked looking around.

"That one!" I said pointing left of where we were standing.

"I mean it Lan! You will leave me behind!"

"Yes Damon, whatever lets just get this over with! Please be quick I really am tired!" I stifled my yawn as he knocked on the door.

"House cleaning!" I said sweetly, and Damon rolled his eyes at me!

"Save it Lani, I heard you and lover boy out there!" Friedrick sounded bored. "Although that gives me some sick ideas!" He murmured, opening the door.

"You bastard!" Damon growled, pushing his way through the door. "What the hell is your problem?"

"Right now it's you!" he said with a smirk.

"What gives you the right to talk to me like that?" Damon asked, sounding incredulous.

"What makes you think you're Gods gift to humans?" Friedrick retorted. That was it, he had officially pushed Damon over the edge. Damon lunged and I don't think Friedrick was expecting it, because in a matter of milliseconds Damon had him pushed against the wall his hand shoved in his chest in what I could only assume was a strong hold of his heart. Friedrick was gasping for air and obviously in a lot of pain. "This is what makes me think I am Gods gift to humans!" he said twisting his hand. I couldn't stand to see Damon this way, it was terrifying.

"Damon stop! Just kill him please!" I pleaded. He turned and looked at me. He was puzzled at the tone of my voice. I was puzzled at the sound of my voice. I was choked up, as if I was upset about him killing Friedrick. Damon pulled his arm back in a fluid movement and dropped Friedricks heart next to his lifeless body. He slowly came to stand in front of me and wiped away a tear I had shed.

"Why are you upset? You didn't care for him did you?" He sounded hurt and I could see the pain in his eyes.

"Oh god no!" I said and he visibly relaxed.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Because I've never seen you enjoy killing someone so much!" I whispered. His eyes widened.

"What do you mean?"

"That's the first time in all the time I've known you that I've been frightened of you!" I was still whispering.

"Oh no, please Lani no!" he said stepping closer putting one hand on either side of my face. "I don't ever want you to be scared of me! I couldn't handle it!" The pain in his eyes and in his voice broke my heart. He was so worried.

"I'm not scared of you Damon! I'm just scared of what you'll do to people!" I lent up and pressed my lips to his, but he didn't respond. Rejection stung, and I felt myself subconsciously stepping back.

"Wait!" He said pulling me back to him and crushing his lips to mine fiercely. I sighed and wound my arms around his necks as his snaked around my waist. He pulled me as close to him as possible and I could feel every hard muscle in his toned body flush against me. He pulled away and rested his head into the side of my neck enahaling deeply.

"You smell amazing!" He murmured, followed by a content sigh. I smiled brightly and pulled away.

"Thank-you! But I'd like right to sleep now!" I yawned again and he chuckled.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2014 ⏰

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