Dinners On Me.

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As soon as Stefan was out of hearing range I turned on Damon. "Who and why?" I asked furiously. He changed the subject. 

"Do you remember when we first met?" He asked, looking anywhere but my face.  

"Yes but what has that got to do with it?" 

"It's got everything to do with it!" He yelled. "Where were you coming from?" He was still yelling pain causing his voice to break.  

"My house, my parents had just died." I wasn't following where he was taking this. 

"Do you remember their names?" He had calmed himself and wasn't yelling anymore. 

"Of course, Sarah-May Gibson and Jonathon Gibson why?" What did my parents have to do with this? 

"Your father, he adopted you yes?" 


"And your birth parents their last name was?" 

"I dont know." I admitted. He had never asked these kinds of questions before.  

"Yes, but I do. You see your parents were vampires, the only known vampires to have a human baby. Any baby for that matter!" Was he crazy? Vampires can't have children. "Your father spent his entire life running from Klaus and Elijah, but they caught up with him in his old age. They killed him without a backward glance but you, you stopped Klaus. There was something about you that screamed vampire to him. But you see Klaus doesn't turn people. He forbade any original from turning as they would have extra power..." His voice broke and he couldn't go on.  

"But what do my parents have to do with this?" I still didn't get how they fitted into it. 

"You already had the power of life from your birth parents, but Klaus he gave you the power of death too!" He was getting angry again. "You have the ability to heal me if you push wolfsbane into my bite and then your blood. But you see in doing that you lose the power of life and you are only left with..." He broke off. 

"Death." I whispered.

So there were two options, live and watch Damon die or die and let Damon live. I knew that within a heartbeat I would save Damon, the problem would be him letting me. He would rather die a thousand deaths then let me die. How could I get around his stubborness? I was back in my own room alone. I didn't want to be alone but I didnt want to talk to Stefan becasue he would tell me to let Damon die and I didn't want to be near Damon because I can't stand to see him in so much pain. Why does everything happen to me? Ever since I was little all the bad things in life seemed to happen to me. I decided to go to the Grill and get out of this house of horrors. I was hungry anyway and I didn't feel like a bloodbag. I wanted to scare the hell out of someone. It's wrong I know, but I needed to know someone was more scared than I was. I walked out of my bedroom in my black skinny jeans and leather jacket. Before I had even taken two steps Damon was in front of me. "Going somewhere?" He asked. A smirk on his mouth, but his eyes were distant and he looked tired, very tired.  

"The Grill." I said and attempted to walk past him. He stopped me.  

"Dressed like that?"  

"Yep." I tried to push past him again but he grabbed me.  

"Why are you mad Lani?" His voice hollow, like he'd used all his energy with his attempt at normality.  

"I'm not mad Damon, I'm on the verge of a breakdown and it kinda turns me into a bitch." I shrugged him off and started walking again. 

"Are you going to feed Lani?" Damn it! Please don't say you want to come. 

"Maybe." I shrugged my shoulders to make it more convincing.  

"Can I come?" God damn you Damon, I want to be away from you.  

"You can hunt by yourself Damon, you dont need a babysitter." 

"But I do Lani, you've seen what I'm like lately." He looked away. He was doing this on purpose.  

"Stefan will take you."  

"No he won't and you know it!" 

"Fine whatever! But I won't talk to you!" 

"Yeah you will." He said shrugging into his leather jacket. We would almost look the same, if his face had not been so stricken with pain.  

"Dont count on it." I whispered walking past him into the night sky. I just stood there for a moment and took a deep breath. It was cold and refreshing and it pulled me out of my bitchy state. I could sense him standing behind me, but that was the only indication that he was there.  

Finally I asked. "So where to?" and smiled at him. He relaxed and little and smiled back.  

"I knew you'd talk to me!" He said his smile turning into a grimace.  

"What is it?"  

"The bite, it's getting bigger!" He managed to gasp out. I pulled him into his room and helped him lay on to the bed. "I'm hungry." He complained quietly. 

"I'll go make some friends" I made my fingers make quotation marks around the word friends. "And bring them here for us." I smiled at him and left. Why did he always have to be so brave and stupid? He is in so much pain, but he still tries to go places with me. He annoys me so much! How could I love him too though?

I didn't realise how far I'd walked, soon I was standing in front of the Grill. There was a group of guys standing out the front. They were easy prey. I snuck behind a tree and pulled off the top I had on underneath my jacket. I zipped the jacket up leaving the top of my bra showing. Influencing them would be to easy and I wanted to flirt with them, it was fun. I ditched my top and walked over to them. I loved the way their eyes bulged when they saw me. I walked up to one holding a beer. I had to admit he was kinda cute. "Can I have one?" I asked looking down shyly. He smiled.  

"Are you old enough?" He asked still smiling. 

"Well of course I am." I said drawing out my southern accent. He didn't argue anymore, instead he handed me the beer he was drinking.  

"Here we can share." He said with a wink. I took a sip, being lady-like. When in truth I could out-drink these losers any day of the week. I passed him back his drink and went to stand beside him rather than in the middle of the circle. He put his arm around my shoulders and I pretended it didn't bother me. The guy across from me was looking at me and I winked, he smiled in response. He was the first to talk to me properly. "So what's your name?" He called from across the circle. The others stopped talking to listen to us.  

"My name is Lani Salvatore." I said quietly pretending to be shy. 

"That's a pretty name." He said. 

"For a pretty girl." The guy with his arm around me added. 

And who are you guys?" I asked. Names were trivial, but I needed them to follow me. There were nine boys and the one beside me answered my question.

"My names Dan. The one you were talking to before is Ryan, and the others are Justin, Jake, Luke, Matt, Jason, Sam and that one is Tommy." He pointed them out as he said their names and they either waved or winked at me. 

"So guys, I'm having this sort of party slash get together thing at my house soon and I wondered if you would like to come?" They all looked around at each other and nodded. "Yay!" I said with fake enthusiasm, I was getting bored. I turned to Dan. "Will you give me a lift? I walked here."  

"Sure!" I didn't miss the smile he flashed to one of the other boys. Geez guys were so easy. We walked back to his car and he came around to open the door for me. "There's something I should tell you." He said smiling at me. 

"Oh, whats that?" He leaned towards me. 

"Your jacket's unzipped." I looked down just as he started to unzip my jacket. I pulled his ear to my mouth.  

"Wait till after the party." I breathed. He smiled and leaned back. 

"No promises there!" He said with a laugh. I laughed too, out of kindness. "So I'm guessing the Salvatore Boarding House right?"  

"Yes that's right." I smiled.

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